Figure and Seek meets Jeff and the others

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At the hotel:-

It was afternoon time, and all the entities have just finished killing some more humans, who entered their hotel.

Currently, it has been 30 mins, and no other human has entered their hotel yet, so they all are kind of chilling and waiting right now, for more humans to come.

At Seek's hallway:-

"Oh man, it feels like hrs eversince the last human came to my hallway. I am getting very bored from waiting all this time."
"I wonder is Figure free right now?
"Not sure... but I really want to visit him."
"I miss him a lot actually..."
Seek thought while looking outside the window of his hallway.

These last few days have been really tiring for Seek, since he has been able to capture many humans, by running very fast.
But, he hasn't been able to have some free time much, since he has been practicing his chase whenever he feels he needs to. So, Seek hasn't met Figure for a few weeks now.

"Oh well, let's just see what Figure is doing right now."
"But first, I am gonna put one of my inky eyes on this wall, so that I would be able to sense and see from afar if any human has entered my hallway or not."
Seek said as he put one of inky eyes on the corner of wall of his hallway.

Soon Seek went inside his ink puddle and reached Door 50.

At Door 50:-

Figure was busy trying to find out the code to open his locked Door of his Library. Recently, he was getting very curious on knowing what's beyond his Library, and thus trying his best to find out the code to open the large lock on his locked Door.

Suddenly, Figure heard the Library's doors opened, and he growled loudly thinking that a human might have come.

Figure charged aggressively towards the direction of the sound of the footsteps that were coming from the Library doors.

"Figure!! Wait it's me Seek!!"
Seek shouted in fear as Figure suddenly tried to grab him and pulled his face closer to his mouth.

"Huh? Seeeek~ Is that youuuu~?
"I thought a humannn~ has caaame~ in my Library."
Figure growled on feeling Seek's inky body in his hands, and quickly putting him down on the floor.

"Phew, that was a close one."
"I am pretty sure, Figure would have vomited me out of his mouth, if he ever tries to eat me, hehe."
Seek thought after breathing a sigh of relief.

"I am sorrry~ Seeek~. I didn't mean to scare youuu like that~"
Figure said in a low growl.

"It's alright Figure. You couldn't have possibily seen me coming, afterall you are blind. That's why you thought I was a human, wasn't it?"
Seek said trying to reassure Figure.

Figure said in sad growl, because he hated to be sometimes reminded of the fact he is blind. It sometimes hurts him to feel, he is 'different' from all the other entities.

Seek noticed Figure was walking slowly away from him and going to sit on the sofa.

"Hey Figure, wait up."
"You are not feeling hurt or anything, right?"
"I am sorry, if I made you sad..."
Seek said in a worried tone.

Figure growled in a normal tone, but didn't said anything.

Seek hoped that Figure is not sad because of him.

Suddenly Seek noticed that large lock on Figure's Door.
He has seen that lock many times, and thought,
"I wonder if there are other entities beyond Figure's Library?"
"Figure must feel very lonely, always being locked up in this Library...."

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