The entities celebrate Valentines Day

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At the hotel:-

Today was a very special day at the hotel. It was Valentines Day, and thus all the entities were busy talking and having fun with their crushes or loved ones after they had killed the humans.

Let's see what the entities are doing right now:-

1) Rush was busy doing some lovey-dovey talk with Dupe (who is a creature who can create fake doors to confuse humans and has sharp teeth and has black eyes.)

2) Screech doesn't have a crush since he is still is a kid, and thus was busy drawing hearts on his drawing paper with Timothy(the spider).

3) Jack and Hide are already dating and that's why there just talking and having a nice time together sitting in the closets.

4) Eyes has a tiny crush on Halt (who is a blue aqua-ish ghost like floating head with 2 sparkly blue eyes) but is way too nervous to tell him.
So, currently he is trying his best to gather up courage and ask Halt to be his valentine.

5) Ambush is still single. (Poor Ambush 😔)

(Please put 1 vote if you don't want Ambush to be single).

Seek was sitting in his hallway feeling lonely as always.
"Should I tell Figure about my feelings today, afterall it's Valentines Day?"
Seek thought as he got up from the floor getting ready to visit Figure.

At Door 50:-

Figure was trying to clean up the pile of books that was lying on the floor.

"I wonder whether Seek will visit me or not?" Figure thought.

Suddenly Figure heard the Library doors opened.

"Figure, are you here?"Seek asked exitedly.

"I am here, Seeeek~"
"Behinnnd this bookshelf."
Figure said in a normal growl.

Seek quickly followed Figure's growl and found him.

"H-Hey Figure...."
"I wanted to tell you something..."
Seek said nervously.

Figure growled and tilted his head.

"Figure... recently I have grown some feelings for you."
"So, I wanted to say would you like to be my Valentine?"
Seek asked nervously by taking Figure's hand.

"S-Sure Seeek~"
"I too have feeeeelings~ for you."
Figure said while suddenly hugging Seek.

"T-Thanks Figure."
"I am so happy that you love me..."
Seek said happily.

Figure carried Seek and put him on the sofa.

"Waaait here, I will bring a romantic novel for both of us to read~"
Figure said as he went to search a book from the bookshelves.

Seek waited exitedly.

After Figure brought the book, they both shared a good and lovely time reading the book together.

Finally, it was time for Seek to leave.
Figure gave him a small kiss on Seek's forehead, before waving goodbye.

Seek went to sleep peacefully thinking about Figure. And Figure did the same as well.

Author's note:-
5th part done. Hoped you all enjoyed it. Let's see when I can post the next part. Bye.

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