Hide and Figure does a prank on Seek

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At the hotel:-

It was Sunday, which means all the entities have a free day because, most humans usually tend to not visit their abandoned hotel those days.

At Door 50:-

Figure was just placing a book in a bookshelf, when he thought,
"I wonder what will happen if I ignore Seek for the whole day, just as a small prank?"

"I realllly~ want to see how heeee~ will react." Figure said growling a bit.

"React to what, Figure?"
A voice said from one of the closets nearby.

"Waaait~, is that you Hideeee~?"
Figure said in a low growl.

"Yes, it's me Hide. Come closer to this closet, so you can hear me better. "
Hide said from a closet nearby.

Figure growled and went closer to that closet where the voice was coming from.

"Are youuuu inside thisss~ closet, Hideee~?"
Figure asked growling a bit.

"Now tell me, what were you talking about some time ago?"
Hide asked.

After when Figure told Hide, about his small prank:-

"That sounds like a good prank, hehe."
"I will tell this to all the entities. It will be very fun to do this prank the whole day."
Hide said while giggling to himself.

Figure was a bit worried about this prank suddenly and said in a low growl,
"But, I waaant you allll~ to stop the prrrrank~ when I feeeel~ it's the riiight time~."

"As you wish, Figure."
Hide said before he stopped making any noises from the closet.

Soon after Hide told every entitiy about this small prank they are gonna do on Seek today:-

At Seek's hallway:-

"I wonder what's Figure doing right now?"
"I think I can visit him now."
Seek thought as he quickly went into his ink puddle to reach Door 50.

After reaching Door 50, Seek pushed the doors open to enter into the Library.

"Figure, are you here?"
Seek asked exitedly.

Seek heard no growling noises coming, which made him worried.

He quickly walked around the Library, trying to call out to Figure.

Soon, Seek found him sitting on his sofa reading a book.

Seek exitedly sat on the sofa, and hugged Figure. Figure blushed a bit, but didn't said anything.

"Figure, I missed you. "
"Btw, what book are you reading right now?"
Seek asked.

Figure didn't made a noise, instead he closed the book, and placed it on the sofa, and getting up from there.

Seek said confused as hell, as to why Figure ignored him like that.

"Why is he ignoring me?"
"Did I do something wrong?"
Seek thought anxiously.

"Figure wait!! Why are you ignoring me like this?!"
Seek asked in a worried tone.

Figure was of course trying his best, not to say anything, and as a result he went past Seek to reach for a book lying on the floor.

"Figure... I am sorry if I did anything wrong to upset you."
Seek said while trying to hold Figure's hand.

Figure quickly retracted his hand back, which caused Seek to gasp.

Figure went further into the Library without replying to any of Seek's calls.

Seek felt extremely sad and heartbroken that he quickly ran out of the Library making crying noises.

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