Seek gets kidnapped (Part 1)

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It was a typical evening at the abandoned hotel. All the entities were busy doing their own things, after killing all the humans.

At Seek's hallway:-

Seek was wandering in his hallway back and forth wondering what he can do to pass the time.

Until suddenly, Seek saw something strange as a colourful flash at the corner of his eye.

Seek was a bit nervous but was also cautious as to what could be bothering him.

Out of nowhere, Seek got thrown on the floor and before he could react, he was surrounded by loud glitchy noises and his inky ears started ringing that he passed out.

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Back at Figure's Library:-

Figure was picking up some the books from the floor and putting them back on the bookshelves.

For a instance, he thought he heard like a distant noise from outside his Library.

Figure's pov: That didn't
sounded normal....

Some time passed, when suddenly Figure heard his Library doors open.

Figure: Who's there?!

It was Rush and Screech and they were worried.

Rush: Figure! We have a problem! I think Seek has been kidnapped. We don't know by whom, but....we can't find Seek anywhere.

Figure growled angrily that he even shook a whole bookshelf making the whole Library shake.

Figure: Get everyone on the lookout! No one sleeps until we find Seek. If someone spots a clue, let me know ASAP!!

Figure growled angrily and ran out the Library.

Back with Seek:-

When Seek regained consciousness, he saw he was binded by special purple glowing handcuffs and was made to be sat on a chair.

Seek was nervous as hell as those handcuffs weren't letting him use his powers to get out.

He then noticed he is inside the basement.

Seek's pov: Who brought me here?! Am I kidnapped by someone? Who could have done it?!

Suddenly an unknown entity appeared before him, and it doesn't seemed to have any facial features. But it looked glitched out......

Seek: W-Who are you?! Why have you brought me here?!

The entity chuckled and said:-

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Seek: I have never heard of you. Do you live inside this hotel as well?

Glitch: Yes. Long before you arrived here. And now, I am gonna make sure you stayed gone.

Seek was nervous but was also determined to not back away easily.

Seek: Oh yeah? Well you can't make me stay here forever. My friends will surely come for me and then they will deal with you.

Glitch laughed, and he immediately tightened the grip on Seek's handcuffs causing Seek's hands to hurt.

Glitch: Your petty friends can never be a match to me. They are never gonna find you here, and then you will rot.

Glitch then teleported away, leaving Seek like that.

Seek's pov: Oh Figure....I really hope you and the others find me soon....

Back with Rush and the others:-

Rush, Ambush, Halt and Eyes were all busy discussing their plans to how and find out Seek's location.

Screech was also there, but he was mostly listening.

Halt: What about Jack and Hide? They both could go around the hotel closets and see if they can spot Seek anywhere.

Ambush: You are right. I will tell them that.

Screech then interrupted them and said:

"What about me and Timothy?" What do we do?"

Rush: You can go to the rooms in the hotel, that lacks any light sources and see if you can spot any clue in finding Seek.

Eyes: And Timothy can go from drawer to drawer and pop inside any room and see if he can spot anything.

Both Screech and Timothy nodded and smiled.

So it's settled then. Me, Rush and Ambush will go from door to door to find Seek in the hotel. Eyes will randomly spawn in any room and see if Seek is in there or not.

Rest of you guys, know what to do. Figure is already going through the hotel hallways in search of Seek. If anyone spots anything out of the ordinary, let each other know.

Everyone nodded and soon they all splited in different directions in the hotel, to search for Seek...

*Outside the window of the hotel rooms, someone was giggling and exicted to see how this plays out*

(Will the entities find out about Seek's whereabouts? Will Figure be able to rescue Seek? Time will tell.
Until then, stay tuned for the next part)

Author's note:-

Hoped you all enjoyed this part. Let's see when I can post the next part. Bye.

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