Chapter 2

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Joanelle POV

Tossing me in a weird cell I giggle, "Ooo, I like it rough."

He mumbles in Spanish before walking away. Relaxing I look around to see all the different beings not in their OG universe. Looking over I see, Childish Gambino...ok that's pretty weird.

Quickly getting board, I slip out of the cell, reappearing on Miguel's desk.

"Hey sexy~."

He looks at me, shocked by my glorious presences. What really makes me stand out is my bright yellow and gray suit, but hey I like to shine wherever I go.

I know it's giving X-Man but I'm technically a mutant so hey, it works doesn't it?

"Can I stick around?"



He bares his fangs, making my kitten goes purrrr.

"What are you!?"

I smile, "I'm glad you asked! I'm a Pool! Joypool, like Deadpool, you know him? Of course you do, who wouldn't? Anyway, I want you to be my Spidey."

He pulls out his claws, making me whistle flirtatiously, "Very hot Papí!"

Attacking me, I dodge him, balancing on the edge of his desk with one hand, "That's not gonna work~."

He tires again, but I slip past him with ease, "You look so gorgeous when you're mad~. Did you know that?"

He shouts in frustration, "Whatcha gonna do perra (bitch)? My realities is all realities, every universe is my home. Nothing can bound me, unless I want to be bound."

Seeing a man in a pink roab, with a small baby around his chest I smile, "BABY!"

Jumping down, I land in front of him, before he could register what was taking place I bend down waving at the red-haired baby.

"Hi there little Spidey, you're so adorable!"

The baby giggles and smiles, wearing her Spider-man hat, "Oh my god, I would die for you! You're so cute and chubby and happy."

Yes I'm a sucker for babies, even the killer ones on Earth-2149. I look up at Peter, "Can I hold her?"


The baby uses her web shooter, making me gasp in awe, "You're a Spider-Baby!"

Slipping on some gloves, that spawned out in thin air, I catch the baby. I smile as she giggles softly.

I don't want such a pure being to touch my blood soaked hands.

"You little rascal."

Laughing she starts to climb around my body, "Look at you, you're a Spider-Woman in the making!"

Watching Peter grab his child I smile, "So many Peter's but you've gotten far, most are stuck, or they unlucky and have a Paul in their universe. News flash, we don't like Paul."

Hearing the Latino man curse I cover the babies ears, "Don't be flipping cursing around the baby."

Then a glow scans my body, seeing a little woman, I smile as she starts to talk, "Well she's an odd one alright. Her DNA has components from hundreds of different universes. Her body is even genetically modify and grown to a certain point. As fascinating this is, she can slip through different universes and realities as she pleases. She's a walking breathing stabilizer."

I clap my hands, "One point for Smarty Pants!"

Well now you know how I met Miguel and how I became a honorary member of the Spider Society! Well, I wasn't officially let in, but I ain't leaving, not without my big booty latino.

Days and weeks go by and everyone has gotten used to me, Miguel is still snappy as ever but I don't care. Watching him work, I sip on a smoothy as he looks through the many issues with the multiverse.

Looking at one of the missions, he deploys a small group of Spider-People.

"This looks dumb."

"Shut up."

Acting dramatic, I lay on his desk, acting wounded by his words. Then there's a red flash, watching him inject a fluid I get excited. Tossing my drink to Stan knows where, and I follow him, inviting myself to his little solo mission.

In a world of a knitted New York City, we see a rough fairy autistic style villain. Seeing the fucker, I watch Miguel engage in the battle.

Feeling my body transform I smile, as the yellow and gray yarn spread my existence.

Pulling out my stuffed sword, I jump down, "Weeeeeeeeee!"

Watching Miguel get pushed back, I land on the the dark smily fairy, pulling out my soft sword I smile, "I'm gonna knock the stuffing out go you!"

Hitting him in the head, he takes the blows, slicing his head, he lands on the ground, knocked out and all.

One thing I love, is that the rules are always different no matter where I go. Standing on the half dead body I laugh evilly, "Take that! Face my cute blade of death!"

Waving my plush sword around, Miguel lands before me, making me wave at him, "Hey sexy! Did I do good?"

He crosses his arms, "I'm impressed."

I smile at him, closing my button eyes, "Ah shucks."

Jumping on his shoulder, I sit comfortably as he detains the villain. Slipping through the portal I return to my original form. Almost falling, Miguel grabs my arm, helping me stand.

"Thank you handsome."

He turns away, taking the villain to the the prisons, allowing me to walk off to the café. Slipping in, I snag 2 empanadas, back in his office I find him on his elevated platform. Jumping up, I hand him the small box.

"You need to eat."

He looks at the box, then me, then the box again before taking it.

He mumbles, "Thank you."

I smile, finally taking off my mask, I notice his gaze. Giving him a bright smile, he looks away, making me chuckle a bit. I don't usually take off my mask, it's my identity after all, but I can trust him.

Munching on my empanada, I talk his ear off but he listens giving me little nods and answers as I talk about my adventures and the crazy shit I've seen.

Making a bottle of water appear, I place it in front of him, he continues to work, making me push it close to his view.

Once it's in front of his face he snatches it out my hand, drinking the water quickly.

Smiling I kick my feet, "Gotta take care of yourself handsome."

Pool of Love (Miguel O'Hara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now