Chapter 4

352 13 4

Joanelle POV

When I see Miguel only two things come to mind.

Damn he's fine.

And of course, Work, work, work, work, work, work. He said me haffi work, work, work, work, work, work. He see me do mi dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt. So me put in work, work, work, work, work, work.

If you know you know, but that's all this man does, like I don't think he even shits at this point.

"Want a breakfast burrito?"

He grunts, making me roll my eyes, slipping down I pick us up some breakfast before returning.

Handing him his burrito, he doesn't take it as he continues to work away.

This is pissing me off.

Trying to get his attention, he tries his hardest to ignore me. Poking him with the warm tinfoil he snaps at me, "STOP IT!"

I continue to annoy him, only for him to shout at me again, I stuff the burrito in his mouth. Slapping his jaw shut, he bites down on it.

Giving up, he eats it annoyingly, happy, I munch on mine holding a bottle of water.

"When you finish your water you can get the orange juice!"

He grumbles, downing the water before poking a straw in the carton of juice.


He side eyes me making me chuckle, "Nothin."

Watching him send his best people on a mission, he ask if I wanted to go to. Surpised by the jester I refuse.

"Who's gonna watch over you?"

"I don't need you."

I cross my arms, "Yes you do, you sad Latin man."

He growls at me, making me cross my legs, "Don't threaten me with a good time."

Winking at him he scoffs, "Fine, don't go."

Happy, I continue to play with my web shooter, but I don't remember falling asleep. I'm a pretty laid back person, but when I'm around him I feel a different level of safety.

When I wake up, the place is silent. And there stands Miguel working away, he looks more down then usually. Standing I stretch, walking over to him I play with his screens.

I'm surprised he lets me but I don't stop, to reveal him and a little girl.

Before he can get mad, I speak softly, "She's beautiful."

This stops him in his tracks, "She...She is."

Looking at him, I lean against his desk, "She's why you fight so hard?"

Looking away he nods his head, "I think she would be happy to see you're ok."

Before he can say anything I continue, "I don't have a family, my bodies DNA was stollen, when I woke up I saw the name of who it belong to. And I took it, the name, before my world faded away."

A silence sits between us before he speaks up, "When everything starts falling apart, you wonder what will happen to you. You start to feel fear knowing that no matter how fast you run you can't escape it. Then you're the only one left."

I smile sadly, "Yeah, that's the worst part, not knowing what to do or where to go."

Looking at him, I place my hand on his back, leaning my head on his shoulder I smile, "But look at us now, in this fancy building fighting the good fight. I'm just used to slicing off heads and eating random food. I'm used to being alone, but you aren't. You have a whole society of people just like you who are by your side, ready to aid and support you. I think you lucked out."

He relaxes, "Yeah, but..."

"It's not the same without her?"

He nods his head, "I've seen and watched a lot of families, I promise it's not as creepy as it sounds, I just wanted to see what it would be like. Seeing her look at you like that, I know she wants you to be ok."

Yeah, I've seen the man before.

Different versions of him from passing, same with Hobie, and the Peters and all the others.

Would you believe me if I told you Hobie has a wife in another timeline?

Yeah, fucking crazy.

Back on topic, back to the story.

He doesn't say anything allowing me to continue, "Why do you think I shove food and water down your throat, how else am I supposed to keep you alive when you're stressing like a old man."

Laughing at myself, he speaks softly, "Thanks."

Feeling warm, I pull away, "Anytime, now sleep before I knock you out again."

He looks at me, before mumbling under his breath. Laying down, he closes his eyes, struggling to get comfortable I smile. Humming softly, I watch as he relaxes and fall into a deep sleep.

Alone once more, I close my eyes as my past starts flooding in.


I can feel every needle, every liquid slipping through and adjusting to my body. I couldn't scream, I couldn't see, I could only feel.

It hurt, a lot.

I can hear they're gargled talking within my tube of creation. But I didn't understand most of it. Then one day, I heard panicking and explosions, hearing the sound of glass breaking, I fall on the ground, landing in the sharp material, pain seeps through my skin.

It doesn't last long though, touching my eyes, I peal the thin layer of skin. The light peaks through allowing me to see the busted up lab. Seeing the black marks on my body, I stand, nude and confused.

The alarms are blaring, making my ears ring at the sudden sound. Stepping forward I wince as the glass seeps in my foot. Looking at it, I watch as my skin pushes the glass out, healing the wound quickly.

Walking out, I stumble a few times, trying to get used to the weight of my body.

Finally able to stand on my own, I march through the empty hallway. Making it outside, I look to find a person I don't recognize.

A man with thick gold like knives sticking out from his hands. Walking over to him he slices half of my arm. But the pain fades, watching as my arm grows back I tilt my head.

Running over to him, I punch him in his face, making him fall back several meters. Rushing over to me we continue to face off, but I don't want to do this. I don't want to fight, jumping out the way, I try to peal the skin over my mouth. Feeling the cool air on my lips, I look up at the man.


My first words, and they work. Stopping, the building starts to crumble, reaching out to me, our fingers barely touch as I fall. Landing on the hard ground, I limp away, from the rubble, rushing off in the forest up ahead.

I don't know how long I've been walking but everything around me starts to crumble. I didn't know what was happening. Soon, there was nothing, just light, alone, I hope, wish for an escape and then I was somewhere else.

Somewhere entirely new.

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