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MAIN CHARACTER: 𝘌𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢 𝘏𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴
FANDOM: 𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘓𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘴

— 𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 —

We all know that Alison is the leading IT girl of Rosewood, the girl all girls strive to be and the girl all the boys would be lucky to have in their arms.

With Alison came the girls known as her posse, Hanna Marin, Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields and her favourite Emilia Hastings.

Well, her favourite group member, Emilia had joined the group later than the other girls and had already made her own reputation as the party girl of Rosewood.

The one who would be the life of the party at all parties: pool parties, the Noel Kahn parties, beach parties you name it and you can guarantee the party doesn't start until Emilia Hastings arrives.

These were the many things Alison liked about Emilia, being the centre of attention being the main attraction and the need for Emilia to be a part of the group. Thinking that befriending Emilia would not only help Emilia's popularity, which was unnecessary, but would also help Alison in her own popularity having the girl of Rosewood as her best friend would also bring the attention of all boys to her instead of Emilia.

Emilia Hastings is the adopted daughter of Peter and Veronica Hastings two well-known and the best lawyers in the city. The two parents adopted Emilia when she was a couple of years old around the same age as Spencer from a place called Radley.

The Hasting parents had been made aware that Emilia was abandoned and something in them, their hearts broke to see a child as little as 2-3 years old abandoned so they brought her home.

The parents absolutely adored and still do adore their little girl, Emilia, Melissa knew of her adoption into the family and at first was hostile but eventually the two became best friends.

Spencer, however, didn't know of Emilia's adoption purely because the younger Hastings didn't like Emilia at all not even knowing that she is a Hastings through and through so the parents were terrified at how Spencer would react if she was ever to find out that Emilia is not a Hastings by blood.

Despite Spencer's hatred for Emilia, this didn't stop the adopted Hasting's daughter to outshine with her awards and intelligence as she grew up which only increased during high school, though despite her cleverness this never caused her to be bullied for being a nerd as it did to Spencer. In fact, Emilia would be known as the most popular girl in school with and without the help of Alison again unlike Spencer.

Emilia only used her intelligence for her academics and never outside the classroom which would give her brain a rest as she would go out nearly every day of the week to meet with the girls on her cheerleading team which again she had competitions for and won every single time.

Then Emilia became friends with Alison, becoming a new group member which angered Spencer even more as she saw that Alion was her friend only and that was that. However, Spencer kept their thoughts quiet knowing Alison wouldn't hesitate to kick her out of the group and keep Emilia.

Shockingly, but not all that surprised it was not just Spencer who had a problem with Emilia for being so close to Alison. In fact, all of the girls had problems with her such as Emily Fields had a massive problem with the girl as jealousy would get the better of Emily when she would see Alison being touchy with Emilia, especially in the locker room.

Aria also had a jealousy problem with Emilia only it wasn't because of Emilia's friendship with Alison, oh no it was more petty than that, Aria was jealous because Noel had a crush on Emilia instead of having a crush on her. Aria hated it, especially with the crush she had on him wanting Noel's attention which would go out the window whenever Emilia walked into the room.

Whenever Emilia was around Noel's face would brighten up and would immediately try to get as close lengths to her as possible to the point where Noel would be the first guy Emilia would go to, after her father of course.

Hanna also had a jealousy problem with Emilia, and a pure dislike for the girl for no specific reason just that she didn't think Emilia was that big of a deal and no one could tell her otherwise.

Not even Alison could which was rich because Hanna worships Alison Dilaurentis who would either be the best person you could ever meet or the coldest and most manipulative person you have ever encountered.

With a shared dislike for Emilia, the girls worked together and talked Alison into kicking the girl out of the group. At this point Alison had also grown a dislike for the girl, especially seeing how Emilia was getting way more popular than Alison ever could be and so Alison brutally kicks Emilia out of the group.

The girls block her individually, Spencer starts to ignore Emilia at home angering the parents but worse of all the girls as a whole group betrayed her in the worst way possible. During a party in the summer, Emilia had shared a smoke with one of the guys on the football team, one she trusted also known as Noel Kahn. The two had gotten close with the girls now not wanting to be friends with her, regardless of this Emilia was comfortable enough with him to sleep in his lap on a sofa in his parent's cabin. Emilia's parents also liked the Kahn family mostly the father so Peter and Veronica had no problem with Emilia going out that night that was until pictures were sent to the whole town of Rosewood, well these girls had contacts.

A picture of Emilia and Noel sleeping on a sofa and to make things worse there was a white substance under Emilia's nose with lines of said substance on the table beside the sofa. Yes, you read correctly, Alison and the girls fabricated an innocent nap at a party to make it look like Emilia is doing drugs to the whole town. They thought they were smart, putting the town against her, even Peter and Veronica for a minute believed the pictures they were seeing until they dragged Emilia to a facility for drug abuse only for doctors to confirm that Emilia hadn't had any substances in her lungs and mannerisms proved there was no drug or other substances Emilia had come into contact with other than tobacco.

Though even with her parents knowing the truth the town still believed that both Noel and Emilia were drug addicts and this was when Emilia had enough. She and Noel were still so close to each other while they were both having their reputation ruined and they worked together to bring it back to what it was. However, due to the rumours, Emilia was kicked off of her cheerleading team and people wrote her awful notes on her lockers which caused her mental health to decline.

Emilia's life was turned upside down, just based on a couple of pictures. The sadness and the bad mental health turn quickly into anger, wanting to get revenge on the girls and the best revenge?

Helping and becoming a part of the A team.



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