17 - Of Hangouts and Hangovers

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I woke up with a headache and a growling stomach. I checked my phone and I was shocked to see it was already noon. I had not taken my breakfast which explained my noisy stomach. I jumped out of bed and went straight to my kitchen.

I was just done with cooking when my phone beeped. I took my phone and my nerves were on fire at the sight of Bryce's name on my screen.

Bryce: Hey Haeley... About last night... I'm sorry...

After reading his message, I remembered everything that happened last night. It upset me to remember how he and Sev put me on the spot.

Bryce and Sev got into a drinking spree and eventually started talking about me as if I wasn't there. It was pretty intense and I had no clue what to do or how to stop them. They also happened to get so drunk that I had to call for back-up --- Rick. I needed to drive Sev's pick-up all the way to his house and I couldn't just leave Bryce to drive dunk. So I had no choice but to dig up his phonebook and look for someone I know. I saw Rick's name and called him to come pick up Bryce's car and drive him home safely.

Those two idiots nearly gave me a heart attack when they began a subconscious drinking contest. What they were trying to prove, I had a vague idea, but I didn't want to be too assuming. I typed a quick response to Bryce's text and sent it. 

Just as I was about to put my phone down, it rang and I answered on the first ring.


I instantly knew that voice without seeing the screen. "Hi Sev. How are you?"

"Hangover. Anyway, about last night, did I do something embarrassing? Somehow I couldn't remember everything."

"Don't worry Sev. You did nothing embarrassing. Well apart from that time when you puked in front of me, oh and when you sang out of tune all the way to your driveway. And I almost forgot, you also peed your pants." I said seriously.

"What? I did that? Are you sure?" Sev asked revolted at everything I said.

"Yup. I even got it on video." I laughed. "So don't even think of upsetting me or else.." I said letting the end of my threat hang.

"Are you sure? Did I really do that? You're not kidding me? Please tell me you're just joking." Sev pleaded and I laughed so hard I gave myself away.

"I'm just kidding Sev. The only thing you did was snore so loud while I drove you home."

"Gosh that was a relief. I really thought I was a total goofball. I was totally knocked out. I can't remember anything."

"Please don't drink again. You were so heavy! It was so difficult to get you home. I had to dig on your glove compartment to get your address. You weren't responding to me properly when I asked where to take you."

"Did you find anything else in the compartment?" Sev suddenly asked. I heard a hint of worry in his voice.

"Nope. Just trash and your ID. Why? Are you hiding something illegal there?" I asked jokingly.

"No. I just thought you'd see something that would embarrass me further."

"Haha, as if your dirty compartment wasn't embarrassing enough." We both laughed.

"Hey, I got to go. My break's over. Call you soon?"

"Yeah sure. I'm about to have my lunch too. Take care. Bye." I hung up and placed my phone on the table and attacked my lunch.

* * *

"Hey girlfriend. How was your weekend?" Sydney asked the moment I sat down across her at lunch break.

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