7 - Of Mystery Texter Revealed

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I woke up feeling under the weather. My alarm clock showed the time was 4:30 PM. I felt like I would have a fever and another headache was on its way. I grabbed my first aid kit from the bathroom and took a paracetamol. The early summer weather was already getting to me. I needed to stock up with vitamins C to keep the sickness away. I hated getting sick especially since I'd get more restless which meant lesser sleep. I couldn't call in sick because I didn't want to ruin my perfect attendance.

After almost an hour, the medicine had started to kick in and I felt sleepy. I woke up again at 7:30 PM. I felt better. The headache didn't come and I was feeling more energized than I did earlier.

I went to my kitchen and hunted food in the fridge. I had almost ran out of my supplies, what I found inside were 2 eggs, a sandwich spread, and leftover lettuce. I hunted the overhead cabinets and found one can of meatloaf and a few slices of bread. Left with no choice, I worked on what was available and prepared my dinner. I decided I would just grab a takeout from the fast food later before I head to work.

I remembered my phone after dinner and unplugged it. I turned it on and once the startup finished, tons of messages came in. I opened my viber and found Rye flooded me with messages since Saturday night. Hmm he was pretty persistently consistent.


8:00 PM - Hey! Whats up?

8:01 PM - Hi? Busy?


6:00 AM - Hey! Good Morning!

9:00 AM - Are you mad?

11:00 AM - Don't forget your lunch!!

7:30 PM - Hi? Still remember me? Don't forget dinner!


8:00 AM - How are you?

1:30 PM - Hi! Did I do something wrong?

8:45 PM - You're ignoring me since Saturday.


7:45 PM - Hi

9:00 PM - Just one reply, that's all I need


7:15 AM - Hey. Can we talk in person?

7:18 AM - I need to tell you something important.

7:20 AM - Please just one chance. I'll make it right this time.

Rye's messages were pretty overwhelming. The messages he sent over yesterday were the most intriguing. What chance was he talking about? I did not know how I'd respond to all of them so I just sent him an apology.

Me: Hey sorry for not replying. Lost my phone on Saturday. Just got it back last night. :(

His response was instant.

Rye: No biggie! Sorry I flooded your inbox. Really nice to hear from you again. How are you?

Me: I'm okay. Look I gtg. Got work and I haven't showered. Txt you later. :)

Rye: Okay. See you later!

I reread his response. Was he serious? Then I received another message from him.

Rye: *Txt you later! :D Sorry typo! :D :D

A crazy thought came to my mind. I really thought he really meant what he just said. I wondered hard how he'd see me later. I remembered Sydney's warnings about him being a stalker. Good thing he corrected his message. So I put my phone in my bag and headed for the bathroom. I had to start moving or else I'd be late.

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