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I sat alone at the wedding reception as I watched Bryce, on stage, together with the rest of the wedding entourage, a broad smile on his face. He looked really happy and very handsome too. He caught sight of me and waved for me to join him. I shook my head in protest and mouthed a big "I'M OKAY", and gave him a two thumbs up.

Someone took the seat beside me. I turned around and saw Richard, Bryce's cousin. "Why are you sitting here alone Haeley?"

"Hi Rick. I'm fine really. I'm just enjoying the view from here." I answered turning my head back towards Bryce's direction. The wedding entourage was still being photographed.

"So you're still head over heels in love with him then huh." Richard voiced his observations.

"Actually I am. And there's nothing to be ashamed of." I said indignantly.

He shook his head and laughed. "You're so mushy Haeley! I'll leave you be." I waved him goodbye as he went to the stage and joined the fun.

I just sat there and watched the rest of the wedding guests pile up in front with their cellphones and cameras out. Bryce broke free from the rest of the crowd and headed my way.

I stood up to greet him but he pulled me towards him and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. I was pretty breathless when he finally let go. My cheeks burned and my palms were sweaty. After all these months he still had this surprising effect on me.

"That's for not joining me in front." Bryce said. "And this is for me missing you." He said and gave me another kiss on the lips.

"Stop it Bryce. There's people watching." He turned around and saw nobody paying attention to us. He just smiled and laced his fingers with mine.

"So how did it go? With Sev?" He asked in a more serious tone as we both took our seats.

"It went fine. I mean, he apologized and I accepted it. He wanted to explain further but I didn't let him. I mean why bother? There's no more need for that. I've already forgiven him for what he did. There's no point in knowing why he did it. Besides, all that matters now, is I'm already very happy."

"Would you mind sharing why?" Bryce prodded with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Oh Bryce! Do you still not know?" I asked pouting my lips at him.

"I want to hear it. And stop pouting or I'll kiss you again." I slapped his arm and we both laughed.

Bryce stood up and excused himself. He went by the stage and said something to the newlyweds. Sev glanced at my direction and waved. His bride, Marianne also waved at me and I waved back.

Bryce returned to our table and grabbed my hand. "Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere private." Bryce said with a hint of malice in his voice, which made both of us burst out laughing.

He led me out to the garden at the back of the restaurant and into a makeshift gazebo decorated with some flower draping. Bryce fumbled with his phone and played our song, . Bryce held my hands and laced them at the back of his neck. He held me by the waist and pulled me closer. I inched even closer and we locked each other in a hug. I leaned my head on his chest as we both swayed to the music.

When the music transitioned into a musical interlude, Bryce whispered to my ears, "Haeley, ever since that first day I met you in fifth grade, I already knew you are something special. You made me feel different kinds of emotions. Whenever you're near I would feel scared, happy, and everything else in between. I couldn't believe this day would ever come Haeley. Every day, I punch myself to make sure you are real. That you're really mine. You are a dream come true. I'm really thankful that I found you again. You are so worth the wait, Haeley.  I will never allow anything to come between us ever again. I will never lose you again."

He let go of me and knelt down on his knees. He took out a ring from his suit pocket and held it out for me. "Healey Sarsona, please be my wife?"

I knelt down with him, tears poured out onto my cheeks, and hugged him. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Bryce put the ring on my finger and we sealed our engagement with a long, sweet, passionate kiss.

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