16 - Of A Bizarre Love Triangle

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"Hey Sev, I'm in the office right now. What's up?" I greeted Sev the moment I picked up the call.

"I just called because you didn't reply to my text earlier. I was worried. Are you mad at me?"

I considered his question for a moment. Now that the magic of the dinner with Bryce and everything that happened or almost happened after, I was back to where I stood with the two guys. I was back at the confused stage. Who did I like more? Who would I give my heart to when the time came?

"Haeley? Hello? You there?" Sev snapped me back to reality.

"Oh sorry. Yeah I'm here. And no, I'm not mad. There's always another time. Right?"

"I'll make it up to you, I swear." He promised.

"Okay. Look, I got to go. See you soon. Bye Sev." I ended the call right after I heard Sev say goodbye.

I hurried upstairs to my locker to deposit my things and punched in for my shift. The door opened and I was faced to face with Bryce. I hadn't noticed him leave his car earlier so I was surprised that he was already inside the office.

"Hi Bryce." I greeted him with a smile.

He only gave me a curt nod and walked on towards the stairs. I followed his retreating back with my eyes. What was wrong with him? All of a sudden, he was acting strange. If it was about the thing—whatever that was—that almost happened earlier, it was really petty. He was acting like a jerk again.

I went inside and went straight to my work station. Sydney greeted me with her usual peck on the cheek and asked about my day. I immediately went into a full blow by blow update of where I'd been with Bryce and what happened at his car.

"Almost." I corrected Sydney when she gasped really loud and gave me a shocked expression. "Don't get that dirty head of yours any ideas. He just leaned forward but nothing happened because my phone rang."

"Who the hell called you and ruined the moment?" I hadn't prepared for her question.

"Uhm—no one important. Anyway, I saw Bryce at the door earlier before I came in here. I greeted him but he just nodded at me. What's up with that?" I said, completely evaded the subject and changed the topic all at the same time.

"Maybe he was pissed off?" Sydney suggested.

"Pissed off? Why? With what?" I asked. The idea was just purely ridiculous.

"Okay guys! Start of the shift. Let's get to work!" Charlie shouted beneath all the hubbub of small chitchats between the agents. "Come on now! Let's work, work, work!"

"Later!" Sydney mouthed and went back to her work station.

I faced my computer and began my work. The moment I opened my email, my hangout messenger popped up and I received a message from Bryce.

Bryce: Sorry about earlier

I hurriedly typed a response.

Me: about what???

Bryce: not greeting you properly at the door. Sorry I acted like a douche

Me: about that... what's that about?

I hadn't received a response after that. He was probably busy with work so I just shrugged it off. I couldn't hold it against him. The guy already apologized, so what else could I do other than forgive him? I closed my hangout messenger and went on with my work.

* * *

Sydney and I headed out on our lunch break. We chose McDonald's over our usual coffee at the upstairs balcony.

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