8 - Of Rain Showers and Chicken Soup

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"Don't touch me!" I slapped Bryce's hand away when he tried to rub my back as I continued to cough.

"Sorry. Take it easy. Do you need water?"

"I need – to get back to – the office!" I said in between coughs. How clumsy of me to choke on my coke.

I hastily got out of Bryce's car and made my way back to the office. I threw the french-fries carton and the unfinished cup of coke float in the garbage bin I found on the way. The office was just a block away and I could see the company sign from where I was.

I hadn't gotten that far from Bryce's car when I felt water hit my left cheek. That couldn't be my tears as I wasn't crying. I looked up and saw dark clouds up the sky. Oh shoot! It was going to rain, really hard. I started to jog when I heard Bryce's car horns.

"Get in the car Haeley. It's about to rain." He said. When I didn't obey he added, "Don't be stubborn! Just get in the car. Please!" he sounded frustrated.

I was about to argue but I heard the pouring rain getting nearer so I had no choice but take shelter at the only place available, Bryce's car. He drove back to the office and the moment he parked the car, I hopped out without a word. I ran upstairs in a hurry almost tripping on a step. I didn't want anything more to do with Bryce.

I knew it was rude but what he did – all of it – was ruder. I couldn't overlook the fact that we've only met again after a long time and playing that stupid trick really pissed me off. Fuming and out of breath, I went back to my work station and continued my work. This time no more distractions. I wished!

Three hours later, Sydney and I were at the third floor balcony drinking coffee. It was our second 30 minute break. I just stared out into the space the whole time Sydney ranted on about some cancelled date and jerks. That was pretty much the only thing I got from everything she said. I was a terrible friend and lately I hadn't been paying that much attention to her. My mind flew away while my best friend sat in front of me telling me things that were important to her.

"Okay. What is it?" Sydney snapped her fingers in my face and leaned back on her seat when I finally looked at her.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked guiltily. I totally screwed up with Sydney. Now she was pissed because I wasn't paying attention.

"Something's bothering you. I have a feeling it's about a guy. The same guy if I may add." It wasn't even a question. It was a statement. A declaration. If I wasn't a skeptic, I would bet Sydney was reading my mind. She was spot on with her guess.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said with a small voice. I looked away and tried to avoid her scrutinizing gaze. She was so intimidating at times and I hated it when she chose to intimidate me.

"Don't change the subject. I've endured your inattentiveness for the past couple of minutes, so I think you should spit it out girl." She was a little scarier now.

"Fine." I huffed out a breath and released some pressure. "It's Bryce. Earlier, at his car–"

"You did something kinky and you can't get over it? Oh my gosh! This is a first!" She interrupted, excitement very evident in her voice.

"What? Hell no! It's nowhere near that!" I exclaimed, appalled at her assumption. "Earlier, during the break, he told me he and Rye are the same person! In my shock I choked on my coke!" I corrected her.

She considered me for a while before she responded. "Well, that didn't go fine, I presume."

"It didn't! I stormed out of his car but rain poured down so I went back in. I couldn't understand him! Why could he play such trick on me? It just made our situation worse! I mean how could I ever forgive him for our past if he kept adding fuel to fire?"

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