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Soap's pov
Song inspo- blood // water by grandson

If I had wanted to be able to find Gemmaz first I had to finish my job. I was messy, enraged as I cleared the next building. Maybe she was already inside, maybe one of them had managed to grab her and I'd find her once I'd killed them all. But no, she was nowhere to be found. And without my comms, I could tell the others that.

I searched as I went on, eventually finding my way back outside where I met up with König, a woman slung over his shoulder and his chest heaving as if he'd done his part while carrying her the whole time. But it wasn't Gemma over his shoulder, the blonde hair an easy giveaway.

His eyes looked confused as he closed the distance a bit and I tucked my rifle behind me. There was no point in asking. If he had stumbled upon her, she'd be with him.

The silence gave me a moment to mess with my comm and a minute later I was coming back to life.

"Price, how copy?" I asked, hoping I'd hear Gem come through instead.

I just needed her to be okay. I could be angry at her later, tell her never to go off without again. Right now, I just needed to hear her voice.

"All clear here, looks like you took care of everyone." He answered and my nerves worsened.

"Gemma with you?" I rushed. There was a long pause before the static came in again.


Fuck. Fuck.

I looked to König again, hoping he'd at least seen her, heard from her. He shook his head.

"Gemma, how copy?" I asked but there was no answer.

I went to repeat myself but the earth shook below me and booms came from the distance. My eyes snapped toward the direction of the sound, as it was followed by more explosions, one after another until they mixed together.

Fire lit up the sky then and the aftershock rushed passed us. The building I just came out of rattled, it's windows breaking with the energy. It wasn't anything atomic or nuclear, but still strong enough to be worried.

"That's HQ!" Price yelled through the comm and if I wasn't already worried about Gemma, I was sure my heart would have stopped.

"Cadaver, Ghost, come in!" The captain yelled again but there was still time before we got an answer.

The breeze brought in the smoke and ash, it filled up my lungs, warmed my skin and burned my eyes.

"We're good. Graves is dead." Ghost finally answered, sounding like his jaw was locked.

"What the fu-" I started but interference came through.

"I don't know. Graves did something. I don't know. Get back to base, we have to do what we can." Senna this time, sounding shaky but determined.

"We can't find Gemma." I said, feet planting to the ground below me as König moved to meet up with Price.

"We'll find her. First, we have to save who we can." Senna again before the line went dead.

She was right, people were dead, dying, burning alive back at base. And with us so close there was a chance we could save some of them. Even a few would be worth the risk.

But I couldn't make myself move. My eyes darted around, looking for any sign of her.

How had she just vanished like that? Was it of her own accord, or did someone take her?

Maybe now with the explosion I'd meet her back at base, knowing she'd want to do whatever possible to save as many as she could. That's who she was.

But it didn't ease my anxiety, the idea of leaving her behind.

I had to choose between possibly walking away from her, leaving her in danger, or rescuing my comrades.

I wanted to choose her. I always would but it was like she suddenly became a ghost, gone with the wind.

"Gemma, where are you?" I muttered, not having the strength to yell it out, knowing she wouldn't answer even if I did.

So I walked away, towards the burning buildings in the distance. She'd never forgive me if I didn't, if I didn't help those in need. Even though everything in me was screaming that she was the one that needed me right now.

Sorry it's so short and sorry it took me so long! Life has been a little hectic recently. If you didn't know already I run a small business all by myself on top of all my house wife duties 😂😂😂

Check me out on etsy CrystalKawaiiShop and CrystalKawaiishop on tiktok!!

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