Chapter One

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Caleb screamed in pain. Another contraction hit and he nearly passed out.

"Push!" Rhys demanded. "Come on baby, you can do this."

"No." Caleb panted heavily. "I'm going to die."

"You're not." Rhys grabbed Caleb's hand and held firm while he looked into his omega's eyes. "I will not let that happen! You have to trust me."

"I do." Caleb squinted his eyes closed as another contraction ripped through him. "I trust you."

"Good." Rhys touched Caleb's forehead. "You're close. I can already see the head. Just one more push and I think..."

His sentence was cut off as Caleb let loose with one last, gut wrenching, scream, pushing with everything he had and suddenly, the baby slid out. Caleb collapsed back onto the mattress. Just like that and the pain was gone. He wanted to sleep after so much exertion and honestly, he nearly had, but concern for the newborn took over and he forced himself to sit up. Well, to try and sit up. His body was weak and heavy.

"It's not crying." He whimpered, the fear evident in his voice. "Why isn't it crying?"

"Give me a second." Rhys told him. "I have to clear his airway." Rhys laid the newborn on the mattress and gently, using a bulb syringe, suctioned the mucus from it's nose and mouth then, using a clean rag, he just as gently wiped away any excess mucus. The infant coughed and within seconds cried out with a wail so loud and powerful that Caleb was instantly set at ease.

"Wow." Caleb said in a ragged voice, a weak smile stretched against his pale lips. "Kid has some lungs."

"I think we have a tiny alpha here." Rhys smiled proudly.

Caleb grinned. "I think you're right."

Caleb struggled to push himself up from the bed. "Let me hold him."

"I need to get him cleaned up first." Rhys explained as he looked around for the length of string he'd set aside to tie off the cord. He found it laying on the table next to the bed, along with a pair of scissors, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. "Rest while I get you both cleaned up. Then you can hold him."

"Alright." Caleb lay back against the pillow again, this time letting his eyes drift closed. He fought back sleep but it did no good. He was spent but it was okay. He had nothing to worry about now. Rhys would keep him safe. He'd keep them both safe. Caleb trusted him. He trusted in their bond. He knew, without a doubt, that Rhys would move heaven and earth to keep all three of them safe. He had to. Caleb, and now this tiny life they'd created together, they were his to protect. And he'd protect them with his life.


Caleb awoke to a dark room, illuminated only by the soft glow of the tiny lamp sitting on the night stand next to the bed. He didn't really know how long he'd been asleep but it must have been a while because it was still light out when Rhys had left for the store. Caleb had begged him not to go. He didn't feel safe alone but Rhys assured him he wouldn't be gone that long and besides, they needed food and some things for the baby.

Formula wasn't an issue. Caleb had already discovered that his milk supply was plentiful enough. He was grateful for that. Human formula wasn't as nutritious for pups as the natural milk produced by their omega parents. In rare cases the pups reject the milk, usually because the omega doesn't produce enough or none at all. In those cases, formula is a necessity if another nursing omega isn't around, or willing to help out, but pups fed on human formula weren't as healthy. For Caleb, who no longer had a pack, milk production was critical.

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