Chapter Three

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Shane Hollister was not what Quinton had expected when he'd spoken to the man on the phone. Not only was he a gamma, older, with a touch of gray on the sides of his head, behind his ears, but he was also more laid back and far more congenial than Quinton would have expected from a member of the shifter council. Those he'd met previously had seemed pensive, stiff, and not at all what one could consider friendly.

This guy however, had greeted Quinton with a wide smile and an eager handshake as though they were meeting for afternoon tea rather than interrogating a suspected murder.

"Quinton Hallorann?" He asked as he extended his hand in friendly gesture.

Quinton nodded, accepting the offered hand.

"Fabulous." The other man beamed. "I'm Shane Hollister, representative from the shifter council, northern chapter."

"Pleasure to meet you." Quinton returned though not with as much enthusiasm.

"And you." Hollister said quickly, eager to get the pleasantries out of the way. "I understand you're holding a suspect in your brother's killing."

"That's right. An Omega from the Silver Moon pack."

Hollister made a face that showed his displeasure at the mention of Silver Moon. "Yes, I've had dealings with them before. Their Alpha isn't a very agreeable fellow."

"So I've heard."

"Well," Hollister sighed. "Might as well get this over with. Where is he being held?"

"This way." Quinton stretched an arm out in the direction of the hall to their left. "I have him in an interview room, waiting."

"Very good, shall we?"


Caleb sat at the large steel table, nervously wringing his hands. A beta with light brown hair and sad eyes had led him to the room and told him to sit. Caleb did as he was told. Maybe, he thought, if he cooperated, they'd allow him to see his pup. He could do that, play the good, obedient omega, if it meant being reunited with his child. That's all he cared about now. Seeing his pup again, and making sure he was alright. Though, Caleb didn't really think they would harm a child, but he couldn't be too careful. Especially with that brutish alpha that seemed to have it out for him.

The room they'd placed him in was a small, cold, gray, room with concrete floors and no windows. The only furniture in the room was the table, the chair he currently sat in, and two chairs on the opposite side of the table, facing him. It looked like the kind of interrogation room you might find in a human police station, only without the two way mirror that always seemed to be present in the television cop shows. Caleb sighed as he looked around the room. He figured it was meant to be intimidating. Well, at least they didn't have him cuffed to the table. He couldn't handle that. Shifters didn't like being restrained that way.

About twenty minutes later, the door to the room opened and Caleb felt himself tense up. The click of the lock echoed through the room as the door was eased open with the terrifying creak of a prison door.

He watched as the pack's Alpha, Quin was his name, stepped into the room then pulled out one of the metal chairs across from him and sat down. Another man came in after him, taking the seat to Quin's left. This second man wasn't near as frightening as the Alpha. He was a gamma, Caleb could tell that at once. He had dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and wore a brown suit. The man smiled, then laid a black brief case on the table, opened it, and withdrew a legal pad and a pen.

"I'm Shane." The gamma said as he made eye contact with Caleb. "Let's start with your name."

He held the pen over the paper and waited for Caleb to answer.

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