Chapter Nine

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Nervously, Caleb fumbled with the straps to the baby carrier. He ran a hand through his long hair, exhaled a breath and tried his best to calm himself. "Just get it together." He told himself, "This is a good thing...I think."

He looked down at the pup in the carrier. Rylan was oblivious to what had just transpired. He was happily chewing on his foot as he looked up at Caleb, a wide smile on his face as a bit of slobber rolled down his chin. He giggled then extended his foot as if to say, "Hey! Look what I just found!"

Caleb smiled back at him. "Silly pup." He whispered, rubbing a finger gently over the soft tuft of hair on the top of his child's head. "The only thing you have to worry about is when you get your next feeding or diaper change. If only my life were that simple."

Caleb sighed, then succeeded on strapping the pup in securely to the back seat of Quinton's jeep. When he was sure that the pup was safely tucked away with his favorite toy, a stuffed wolf, and his Binky, Caleb climbed into the back driver's side seat of the jeep and waited for Quinton...his mate.

Caleb could barely believe what he'd agreed to. Everything seemed to have happened so fast and there hadn't really been time to think. His options were only to go back to Silver Moon or agree to mate Quinton and stay in Black River. He'd agreed to the mating without hesitation.

Of course he knew the mating was on paper only. He didn't really think he'd be expected to fulfill his omega duties. At least, not as far as the bedroom was concerned. Certainly Quinton wouldn't think that Caleb ready for that. He barely knew the man, let alone the fact that he was still mourning. The entire thing was absurd but Caleb knew he'd be willing to do just about anything to stay in Black River.

He could be a good mate to Quinton he supposed. With the exception of the actual mating. He could cook and clean. Skills that every omega were taught from a very young age. It was regularly beat into them that their purpose was to serve their alpha. Make the alpha happy, no matter the cost.

Caleb knew that Black River didn't hold their omega's to such standards. They viewed them as people rather than property but the council evidently didn't have the same views. Anyway, it hardly mattered. Caleb was safe. For now. He just hoped that on their three month review he could prove to the council that he was a safe and happily mated omega. That's the only way they would allow him to stay. Though he had to wonder if Kavanagh had ulterior motives. From the look Quinton had given the man, Caleb wondered if he didn't think the same thing.

Caleb turned and glanced behind him to see Quinton and Zev standing a few feet from the jeep, talking. After the short and notably official ceremony, councilman Kavanagh had requested Zev stay behind to talk.

It didn't escape Caleb that the two men shared the same last name or that the younger of the two bore a striking resemblance to the elder. He suspected they were father and son, despite the dynamic between them being somewhat uneasy. Caleb couldn't deny the tension he felt between them. The way Zev had straightened himself up, clenching his jaw as the older Kavanagh approached him, told Caleb that there was some hostility in their relationship.

He couldn't guess as to what had happened between them but he suspected it had something to do with Zev disappointing the man in someway, judging from the look on the elders face as his eyes scanned his son. Caleb knew that look all to well. The look that said 'You are a disgrace and I'm ashamed to be your father.' It was a look that Caleb had gotten from his own father on a near daily basis.

Whatever the conversation that Quinton and Zev were engaged in seemed to be done because both men were now walking back towards the jeep. Caleb turned around quickly as Zev came up along the drivers side and Quinton took the passenger seat. Caleb cast his eyes to the floor and pretended to be focused on something other than the two alphas. He knew it was silly. He'd have to face Quin sooner rather than later but at the moment he didn't know how to act or what to say.

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