Chapter Eleven

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Shane Hollister's line of questioning was relentless. It had been over an hour and all Caleb wanted to do now was get back to his pup. The questions had started out innocently enough. How were Caleb and Quinton getting along? Did Caleb like living in Black River? Was Quinton kind to him? But, after about thirty minutes, the questions became more invasive and somewhat personal.

It had only been a week since they'd returned to pack lands as a mated pair so how close could they have really gotten in that time? Of course Caleb didn't tell Hollister that their relationship has stayed strictly platonic but he also didn't feel right about lying to the man. Instead, he kept his answers brief and to the point. What really threw him for a loop though was when Hollister asked if they'd consummated their mating yet.

Caleb wasn't sure how Quinton had answered that question, if he was even asked it -as they had been questioned separately -so he wasn't really sure how to answer. In the end, he told the man that it was too personal a question and frankly, none of his business. That seemed to be good enough for the moment because he moved on to other questions. Questions that were equally as uncomfortable but Caleb did his best to answer them as honestly as he could.

Hollister wanted to know how often Caleb had a heat and when he thought his next one was due. Caleb shrugged. "Twice a year." He answered. "But it's unlikely I'll have one while nursing."

"Of course." Hollister smiled his usual fake, you can trust me we're friends, smile that made the hair on the back of Caleb's neck stand on end. The guy was creepy enough without the intrusive line of questioning.

"Are we about done here?" Caleb asked, already annoyed with being kept from his pup for so long. Rusty was watching him so Caleb knew he was in good hands but he still didn't like being away from him for so long. "It's almost Rhylan's feeding time."

Hollister raised a brow as he looked up from the note pad he'd been scribbling on. "Have you ever considered switching to formula?" Hollister asked.

Caleb narrowed his eyes, folding his arms across his chest in defiance. "Not if I want a healthy pup." He sneered. What was the guys deal anyway? Was the council so eager for Quinton to breed that they'd really jeopardize the health of not only Caleb's pup but Caleb as well? Was that the reason they wanted Caleb mated? So he could be used as a puppy mill?

"Are we done?" Caleb asked again, this time a bit more sternly.

Hollister sighed as he closed his folder and sat back in his chair. "I believe so. Thank you for your cooperation, Caleb."

Caleb pushed himself away from the table and stood up, shooting Hollister an irritated glare. "It's not like I had a choice." He grumbled. When Hollister didn't respond, Caleb turned and left the room, slamming the door closed hard behind him. If this was how their weekly meetings were going to go, Caleb wasn't sure he could keep from cursing the man out. He really had a way of getting under Caleb's fur.

Caleb took the elevator up to the main floor. It was close to noon and on a Monday so the den wasn't overly busy. Most of the pack were at their jobs and those who were about to go on their lunch hour would most likely swarm Annie's. The lunch rush was always her busiest time. Caleb had started going in for a coffee after Quinton had left in the mornings but he avoided lunch time all together. He Still wasn't familiar enough with the rest of the pack to be comfortable in large crowds.

He did enjoy the early morning coffee time though. Annie had enough free time to sit and talk with him awhile or croon over Rhylan, whom she seemed hopelessly in love with. Rusty, or one of the other omegas, would stop by sometimes just to see if Caleb needed any help and of course there was the weekly meeting of the omegas. Caleb wasn't sure what the alphas thought they did together but Caleb came to realize that the meetings were a safe place to share stories and advice as well as laugh and have some fun.

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