Chapter Seventeen (Conclusion)

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Seth Bowden argued against his betas not being allowed to carry their firearms inside of pack grounds but Quinton wasn't about to budge on that rule. Silver bullets were never allowed, under any circumstances, within Black River lands. Seth could chose to leave his betas outside by their vehicles, or they could escort him in but unarmed. In the end, he chose to allowed them to accompany him but without their guns.

Quinton led Seth to the Den and then inside and to his office. Zev and Jase followed them in while both Seth's men as well as Quinton's waited in the lobby. The tension was thick between the two groups but they were under orders not to engage with each other unless either side made an unprovoked attack on either Alpha.

"Is all this really necessary?" Seth grumbled as he took a seat in the chair across from Quinton who took a seat at his desk.

"Yes." Quinton answered flatly. "It's not that I don't trust you..." It was in fact though. He didn't trust the other man at all. "But, let's face it, Seth. You've been involved in some shady dealings in the past. I'm simply looking out for my pack."

Seth sighed and rolled his eyes. "Let's get on with it then." He crossed his leg over his knee and leaned back in the chair, one arm draped over the back, his other hand on the arm of the chair, his fingers drumming against the wood impatiently.

Quinton opened his lap top and waited for it to buzz to life then opened a new file and began to type. "I'm typing up the terms as you've presented them to me." Quinton explained. "I'm making sure to add that the challenge was presented as a 'fight to the death' but that I personally would accept surrender and total submission with the provision that should I spare your life, you and your pack mates leave Black River and never return, and that you take Shelby with you as she will then be exiled from Black River for the rest of her life and never permitted to return, under any circumstances."

"Yes, yes, fine." Seth huffed. "Type it, print it, I'll sign. Let's just get this over with."

"You seem pretty eager for a man about to get his ass handed to him." Zev smirked. "Maybe being beaten by a bigger, stronger, Alpha turns you on."

"Fuck you." Seth sneered.

"Nah." Zev shook his head mockingly, "You ain't my type."

Quinton looked up at Zev and frowned but then went back to his typing. "Since Shelby, a member of my pack, made the initial challenge, I reserve the right to have the fight take place here, on my lands or, if you'd rather, you could choose neutral ground by having the challenge take place at the northern territories public arena on council grounds. Of course, that would mean getting the council involved, having the challenge approved, and reserving the arena for a future date."

"Here is fine." Seth was growing more impatient with every passing second and his annoyance at the whole ordeal was showing.

Quinton nodded and added the location of the challenge to his form. A couple more moments passed and he'd finished filling out the form then printed it. He printed out two copies and handed both to Seth and Jase to read over before having them each sign one copy, Jase signing as a witness.

Jase merely glanced at the form then folded it up and stuffed it in his back pocket, not really concerned with the details. He leaned against the wall near the window, phone in hand, and appeared to be playing some video game from the sound of it. Seth paid him little mind as he read over the form which was essentially a contract between them holding him to the terms of the challenge. Quinton had added in a small clause saying that the fight was between the two pack Alphas, fighting in wolf form only, and any interference from either of their packs would cause the one breaching the contract to forfeit the challenge.

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