Chapter Four

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"You can't keep me locked up in here!" Caleb beat his fist against the door in frustration. "I want to see my pup."

The beta who had led him to the room-no, cell-walked away without a backwards glance. Caleb let his head rest on the cold metal of the door. He needed to be with his pup. It wasn't a matter of wanting to be with him, he needed to.

No one would even answer his basic questions. Was the pup okay? Who was taking care of him? Was he eating good? Caleb hadn't nursed in so long that his chest was aching from the building pressure and worse yet, he was starting to leak. The least they could do was allow him to pump. At least then he could be sure his pup was getting his milk. He cringed at the thought of feeding him formula. He didn't even know if the pup would accept human formula. That thought had Caleb worried more than anything.

He couldn't understand how these people could be so cruel. It was unreal. If he didn't get to see his pup soon he was going to go mad.

Caleb pushed himself away from the door and walked to the small cot in the corner of the room. His previous room was more accommodating. At least it had a more comfortable bed. It hadn't taken him long to realize that he was sitting in a holding cell. It had the same drab, grey, color scheme as the interrogation room. The only window was a frosted glass window in the door, about the size of a 13 inch computer screen.

He sighed as he seated himself on the thin mattress. This was not how he'd imagined his time in Black River beginning. By now he and Rhys should have been moved into a small cottage with their child. Rhys family would have been coming round to check on them and, of course, to see the new addition to the family.

Caleb laid back, folding his arms behind his head. He didn't even know if Rhys had family other than his brother, Quinton. He'd never spoke of anyone else. It occurred to him suddenly, and a bit sadly, that he really didn't know much about Rhys past. He always thought he'd have more time to get to know his mate, once they weren't running from Silver Moon anymore.

He'd imagined a nice, quiet, peaceful life with Rhys and many more children in the future. Caleb had always wanted a big family. He just had never wanted to raise them in Silver Moon. The way that Rhys had spoken of Black River though, it seemed the perfect place to raise a family. Now though, he was starting to wonder if he'd even ever see his pup again.

He closed his eyes and tried to bring up a mental picture of his pup. His time with him had been so brief. He should have paid more attention to his tiny features and those huge, blue, eyes that were so much like his fathers. The pup was definitely Rhys son. Anyone who denied that was a fool. He had Rhys dark hair and fair skin. Even his features reminded Caleb of Rhys.

"Hold on to that memory." Caleb whispered to himself. "It may be all you have left."


Quinton stood outside the door to holding cell number four and peered through the frosted glass to the omega inside. He could just barely make out the boys small frame curled up on the cot. He reached for the door handle, but then pulled his hand back. He was still so angry at the kid that he wasn't sure he could trust himself to enter the room alone. Part of him wanted to just sit and talk to the omega but another part of him wanted to choke the life out of him.

Quinton recalled the look on Malcolm's face when he told him the omega had been moved from the clinic to one of the holding cells on the lower level.

"It isn't right." Malcolm had said, his mouth curved into an angry sneer. "The boy isn't a criminal. For Gods sake Quin, he came to us for help."

"Until I can figure out what his secret is, I can't trust him to be around other pack members. It's for their safety."

That seemed a good enough excuse to get Malcolm off his back. The gamma just threw his arms up and walked away, knowing that it pointless to argue with Quinton when he was like this. He had his mind made up and there was no way he would back down now.

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