Chapter Sixteen

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Quinton scanned the area, sniffing the ground while Zev stood behind him, waiting for his signal. It hadn't taken long for Quinton to pick up Shelby's scent, she'd left a trail of blood behind her as she ran. Quinton lifted his head and howled then tore off after her. Zev was right behind him followed by three other alpha's from the guard. Each of them aware of what they were hunting and why. Though it was hard to believe that another member of their own pack had so viciously attacked another pack mate, they trusted their alpha and followed his lead. They knew what Shelby had done but there was no time to wonder why. She would be questioned after she was caught but first, they had to catch her.

She couldn't have gotten too far ahead. She was injured and needed to shift to heal but shifting to human now would be too risky. No, a smart wolf would keep going, run as far as she could in her animal form and look for a way to throw the others off her tail. No easy feat to accomplish though as her scent was all over the forest and her open and bleeding wounds leaving behind a trail that was far too easy for experienced hunters to follow. It wouldn't be long now before Quinton had her under his claws and then, even the wolf God himself wouldn't be able to save her.

Images of Caleb laying in the grass, his beautiful fur covered in blood as he lay whimpering and in pain, were at the forefront of Quinton's mind. Each time he recalled the sight of him injured, in pain, and near death, his anger intensified. He had to focus though and not let his emotions decide his actions. He needed all of his senses as well as his wits to track his prey and then keep himself from ripping her to shreds once he'd finally caught her. That was going to take all of his will power though. He was out for blood. His wolf wanted her head but his human side knew he had to bring her in alive, if possible. There were rules and protocols to follow. When he finally took her down, and he would, it would be legally, with the entire pack there to witness. He would give the council no reason to try and take Caleb from him, if he were even still alive.

Quinton bristled at that thought. Caleb was alive. He'd know it if he were not. Their bond may not be complete yet but it was strong enough for Quinton to know that his mate was still alive. It was that knowledge that drove him on. Knowing Caleb was alive was the only thing keeping Quinton sane. If their bond suddenly broke, there would be no trial by battle, Shelby would be his to kill.

Quinton rounded a massive oak tree then stopped, sniffed the ground, and let out an angry howl. The others joined him quickly and all five took off so fast that they would have seemed a blur to human eyes. Quinton was the first one there, the first to see her. She was ten feet from the main road, near the end of Black River territory. Shelby must have thought she'd be safe if she crossed the border and made it to the human town. What she didn't realize though was that Quinton would follow her to the ends of the earth if he had to. She wouldn't escape him so easily.

Quinton locked eyes with her and barked a warning. Shelby snarled, her hackles raised and teeth bared. Was she seriously planning to challenge Quinton? Did she think she could beat him? Quinton growled. 'Don't even think about it.'

Shelby took a step back but didn't break eye contact. That was her mistake. She was so focused on Quinton that she failed to notice the others surrounding her. Zev came up behind while the others flanked her right and left sides, surrounding her and cutting off her escape route. She turned around in a circle, looking for an opening but each time she moved to run, she was met with growls and snapping jaws. There was no where to go and Shelby knew there was no way that she could fight off five alphas.

In defeat, Shelby lowered herself to the ground, bearing her neck in submission. All that she could hope for now was Quinton's mercy. After all, she did what she did to protect him. He'd just have to understand that. He had to. Once he saw Caleb for what he was he would know that Shelby acted in his best interest and all would be forgiven. At least...that's what she hoped.

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