Chapter Six

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Quinton had moved Caleb to the dorm for the time being. He couldn't keep him in the holding cell anymore. Not now that Quinton was convinced Caleb wasn't a criminal. He'd believed every word of what he'd said. It made sense, but the idea that an omega could have magic powers was still a hard pill for Quinton to swallow.

Still, he had to wonder if there was some truth to it. There was still was no explanation for how Caleb had healed from his attack so quickly, or at all. That wasn't something that Quinton could just file away in the back of his mind and forget about though. Did it make Caleb dangerous? Quinton didn't think so. From what he had observed from the boy, there was nothing even remotely dangerous about him. Well, not unless you tried to keep him from his pup that was.

And, that was another matter entirely. Quinton had no intention of keeping Caleb from his child but the dorms weren't big enough for a shifter plus a baby, especially with all the extra amenities Caleb would need. Speaking of which, Quinton would have to scrounge up a few things. In the mean time though, he'd suggested Caleb leave Rhylan in the nursery. He was well cared for there and there was staff on hand 24/7.

Caleb wasn't thrilled with the idea. In fact it had sent him into another screaming fit, but when Quinton explained the problem, Caleb had finally agreed. Quinton knew he had to figure out something fast though. Caleb wasn't going to be happy with this arrangement for long, and Quinton had the feeling that the omega was going to be spending his every waking hour in the nursery anyway.

That wasn't a and idea come to think of it. He'd eventually have to find Caleb employment and he was good with kids. The daycare could always use extra help and the other parents seemed to like him. Quinton filed that thought away for the future so he could focus on the here and now. He'd just dropped the omega off at the dorms and was helping him to get settled in.

Caleb walked around, inspecting his temporary shelter, in awe of everything he saw. Aside from the twin bed he saw in the corner of the room that looked way more comfortable than anything he'd had at Silver Moon, the room also had a television set, a desk and chair, a small love seat, a small apartment sized refrigerator, and a microwave oven. There was also a closet and a small bathroom with a shower but no tub.

Caleb didn't care that there was no tub though. He was just thrilled to have his own shower. At Silver Moon the pack had to share public toilets and showers. The kind that most camp grounds had. So, privacy was never something he had in abundance. In fact, the first time he'd used a private shower was when Rhys had rented them a hotel room. Of course his showers didn't remain private for long but he couldn't really complain about that. Sharing a shower with Rhys and then what followed was just one of the highlights of his day.

Caleb came out of the bathroom all smiles. "This place is amazing." He beamed. "But you're right, it's not big enough to raise a pup in. Especially once he starts crawling."

Quinton chuckled as he sat the bags he'd carried up with him on the already made bed. "Well, it's only intended for single shifters. Besides, I don't plan on keeping you here for long."

"I appreciate everything you've done." Caleb told him. He went to the bed where Quinton had deposited the bags and opened the first one. "You didn't have to get all this." He said as he started removing frozen dinners from the bag and carefully placing them in the fridge. "There's more food here than I really needed."

Quinton rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes widened a bit but then he just shrugged. "Really, it's not a lot." He'd tried to talk Caleb into getting more but the omega refused. Quinton realized Caleb probably wasn't used to having full meals or even more than one meal a day, but that was something he was going to have change now that he was living in Black River. Quinton wasn't about to let one of his pack mates starve.

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