Chapter Five

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By the time Quinton had gone back to the nursery, most of the nursing parents had returned with their pups and were laying them down for their afternoon naps. Caleb was still sitting, rocking his little one, though no longer nursing.

A few of the other parents had stopped to greet him and introduce themselves and also to gush over the pup. Many of them commenting on how much he looked like Rhys. Quinton watched from the door way as Caleb acknowledged each of the well-wishers with smiles and soft chuckles as they discussed things that Quinton could only assume were baby related.

Caleb definitely seemed to be in his element here. Especially when talking with other omegas. They were probably trading baby stories and cleaning tips. Whatever they were discussing, Caleb seemed to fit right in and no one seemed nervous around him at all. In fact, the other parents seemed to warm up to him fairly easily and he to them.

Quinton slouched against the wall some and frowned. Why couldn't the omega warm up to him the same way? Was there something about him that made it hard for the omega to trust him? The way he spoke or perhaps carried himself? Or was it simply because he was an alpha which made him more intimidating?

Or, Quinton thought to himself, suddenly ashamed, It could be the fact that you've kept him lock away for two days and refused to let him near his pup.

That seemed the most likely cause. Whether Quinton wanted to admit it or not, he'd probably come across as a grade-A asshole to the young omega.

When Caleb glanced up and saw Quinton standing in the open doorway, his smile faded and he clutched the infant a little closer to his chest. Well, that was his answer. Asshole for sure.

Caleb tensed and the scent of fear wafted across the room, assaulting Quinton's senses. A few of the other omega's noticed the change in Caleb as well because they followed his gaze to the door and more than a few of them shot Quinton the evil eye. He was not in anyone's favor today. That was for damn sure.

"You'll be fine." A female omega named Clara whispered to Caleb as she gave his hand a gentle pat. "He's not as bad as he seems."

Caleb thanked her and returned her smile. Clara Shot Quinton a disapproving look with a hint of a warning in it. Do not hurt him. Her eyes said as they focused on the alpha, causing him to flinch. He gave her a quick nod. Quinton knew better than to piss off an omega.

They may appear gentle, even submissive, on the outside but threaten someone they took upon themselves to protect and look out. An angry omega could be every bit as scary as an alpha. Sometimes more so.

Quinton's father had always told him to stay on an omegas good side because hell hath no fury like a pissed off omega. Quinton's recent interactions with Caleb had proved the saying true. He'd honestly hate to see what the spunky little omega would do if he really got mad.

Quinton stepped aside as one by one, the babies were laid down, and their ever doting parents filed out of the room, returning to their jobs. The last one squeezed past Quinton and out into the hall, leaving Quinton alone in the room with Caleb and Emily, who was busy with her charges.

Caleb's attention was on his son again. He cooed softly to the babe while rocking him gently to sleep. Quinton could see the deep love and adoration the omega had for his child. Watching the two of them together, he was starting to understand why his brother might have risked everything to help the boy.

There really was something special about him. He could see it in the way he so delicately cared for his child though Quinton doubted what he was seeing in him was why Silver Moon had taken an interest in him.

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