Chapter 3

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"Hey guys. I'm Jona, the Beta. Dinner's ready." He snickered before bouncing down the hall.

"He seems.." Brandon started.

"Off." I finished.

Brandon flew on the bed face first, "I miss Macy. I wanna go home." He mumbled in the bed.

"Macy will be okay. You'll see her soon." I laughed, shrugging on a dress shirt.

Macy was Brandon's mate. He met her right before we left. She's human, but dreamt of being raised by wolves, she'd watch them in hidden corners of the forest. That's how she discovered Brandon.

"No.." He whined.

"Come on, let's just figure this out, alright?"

He hummed and muttered inaudibly, standing up.

I laughed at his imprinted cheek and wrinkled shirt but said nothing.

We walked downstairs and followed the scent of food to the dining room.

"You found us! Come in, come in, take a seat. There's plenty of food." Ross laughed, clearly intoxicated.

A girl in revealing clothing sat beside him, looking me up and down.

I sat opposite of her, Brandon on my left.

She sat up straighter, pushing her chest out, "I'm Linda."


"Mmm I know who you are." She purred.

I ate quickly, before glancing at a sluggish Ross, "Can you ask the girls to meet us somewhere?"

"Who'der you think you are?" He slurred, "I ain't calling nobody."

I sighed, I just wanted to get home.

The room consisted of the high on drugs Beta, Jona, who was laughing to him self.

The drunk Alpha, Ross.

And of course, slutty Linda.

"What do we do?" Brandon whispered.

"Hold yer horses, they coming, go to the ballroom, across the hall here. They be there."

I rubbed my face and walked to the ballroom. I guess Ross is showing his true self.

Girls lined the a wall in the room, but she wasn't here. I growled in frustration and turned to Ross who stumbled in the room.

"Someone's missing." I seethe.

His eyes widen, losing the glaze from the achohol.

"No-Nobody's missing."

A smell hit my nose, raspberries.

"Mine." I growl, running after the scent that seemed to be going down the hallway.

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