1. Booze run.

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The boys sat around, arms on the couch and staring out the window in boredom.
No one spoke, no one did anything.

White noise was playing on the TV as it stormed aggressively outside.
It was dark, around 3am, but every flash of lightning made the house light up like a Christmas tree.

"Ugh, I'm bored," Slash said, finally breaking the silence.
"Fuck, me too," The short tempered singer agreed, slouching on the couch so his back ran down it.

"Duff, go get the booze," Izzy said, "Why do I gotta?" Duff grumbled, "You're closest to the fridge," Steven said, puffing on an unlit cigarette, Axl rolled his eyes and lit it for him, "Thanks!" He smiled brightly.

Duff whined, getting up and going to the fridge, dramatically opening the door in a huff, only to discover it was empty.

"Uh guys... We're out," Duff said making everyone groan.
"Go get it then," Slash pouted, "Why is it always me?!" Duff yelled, "Because you're the bassist, now go," Axl said, "Rude," he huffed.

"Oh come on guys... It's storming!" Duff whined, after a while of winging, they kicked him out, "And don't come back until you've got the booze!" Axl yelled from the other side.

"Man fuck you guys!" Duff yelled and went downstairs.
Thankfully, this place served alcohol til 4am.

He grabbed a few crates of beer.
Making his way upstairs and grumbling as he tried reaching for the key in his pocket.

"Hey! Dickheads! I got the shit!" Duff called, people looking at him strangely, however they opened the door and pulled him inside.

"Ugh, thanks man!" Slash grunted and swigged a sip, meanwhile Duff stomped into the lounge, sitting with his back against the couch, his ass on the floor and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Aww, come on Duffy," Steven chuckled and nudged his arm, "Fuck off," Duff barked, "Okay okay, I'm sorry, next time we can go together," Steven said and they all had their drinks and cigarettes, getting completely fucking wasted...

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