6. Sixx.

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Erin got ready, standing at the doorframe waiting for the boys to hurry up.
"Hey!" She yelled, they all turned to her, "Hurry up!" She snapped, they got up and followed her out, they went to some diner place.

When they got there, Slash saw a familiar head.
He walked over and patted their shoulder, "What the fuck do you wa-" Nikki cut himself off, "Slasher! The fuck you doin here man?!" Nikki smiled, "We're just gettin some shit is all," Slash shrugged.

Meanwhile Erin bumped into Slash.
"Ayyyyeeee!" She yelled up at him, "Aye!" He yelled back and they laughed together.

"Sixx, this is Erin, she's crashing with us," Slash said, "Sup Erin," Nikki said, putting two fingers to his forehead in a salute.

"Axl's gonna get pissed," Slash said and the two sat together.

Slash and Nikki mostly ignored Erin who was drawing with a pen Nikki left on the table, she drew fire all up her arm, "Hey, where'd my fuckin pen go?" Nikki asked, she chucked it over, "Thanks," he said.

"Nice fire," he cackled, "Nice hair," she said, "Thanks kiddo," he said and downed some Jack Daniels.

Some shitty music started playing, Steven was off dancing with a girl, looking like a love sick puppy, Izzy was outside smoking and Duff was flirting up some waitress.

"Dude!" Duff said jogging over, "Haha, dude look," he laughed, pulling collar aside to show a hickey.

"Ah that's nothin, I got chicks comin to my room and givin me a blow job without even asking for one," Nikki bragged, "You boys are so kinky," Erin said making them laugh.

"I like you kid!" Nikki smirked and put his arm around her shoulder.

They ended up getting kicked out because Steven broke a glass over someone's head in a drunken rage.

"Nice goin Steve!" Duff grumbled.

Erin tip toed her way to the drunk drummer, lacing her foot in front of his and watching as he face planted.

She cackled and ran for her dead life, "COME BACK HERE!" Steven yelled, wobbling as he ran.

"What the fuck?" Nikki asked, "That kid is nuts," Axl said as he took a smoke, "Right?" Slash chuckled.

Steven caught her and the two wrestled.
She won and tossed him to the ground.
"Ohhhh!" She yelled and flexed her muscles.

"Yeah, only cause he's drunk!" Duff said, "Come here fuck face!" She screamed and ran over, the two tackled and she fell on top of him.

Slash knelt down, "1, 3,3 you're out!" Slash yelled slamming his hand on the ground.
"Suck it!" Erin yelled, flexing her muscles again and spinning in circles as she laughed.

"Imagine if that kid got drunk?" Axl scoffed, "I think she'd self combust," Nikki said, nodding as she bumped into a car making the car alarm go off.

The house lights turned on, "Run!" She squealed and they made a run for it.
"Dude you smashed that headlight!" Nikki said, "Haha!" She laughed and he ruffled her hair up as they finally slowed down.

"Wooh..." She said out of breath.

Suddenly cop sirens were heard.
They neared the street so they all sprinted like crazy again.

Nikki tripped at the front gate, resting his back against the fence so the lights would go right passed him, "Oh man! You're cool!" Nikki laughed and high fived Erin who laughed and the two wobbled inside.

"Man that was fun!" Slash said, "Right?! Kid you rock!" Duff agreed.

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