2. Out again, fuck!

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Axl was the one to discover this time.
Everyone jumped as he yelled "fuck!"

"What now?" Izzy groaned, "We're out again," Axl huffed, "Oh fuck me," Duff groaned, "Come on man, we made a deal," Steven said, they got up and together took about 50 bucks of the shared money and made their way out.

It was a quiet day, except for the occasional fan or two, however, they managed to finally find the place the booze was sold at.

"Ugh," Steven groaned, they walked out with their arms full, "Fuck you!"

They turned at the sound and across the road a young girl with curly purple hair sprinted off, an old man yelling after her.

"Huh?" Steven frowned, Duff shrugged and they made their way back to the apartment.

"Dudes, you'll never believe what we saw," Steven said, "What?" Axl asked impatiently as he took a beer and took a sip.

"Some girl yelled fuck you to some old dude and sprinted off, this real curly purple hair," Duff said, "That's so cool..." Axl said sarcastically.

"Well her hair looked cool," Steven pouted, "Uh huh," Slash said, "Hey did you say curly?" The guitarist beamed, "Yeah man, real curly like yours," Duff said.

"Yes!" Slash cheered, fist pumping the air, "You owe me 50 Axl!" Slash cackled, earning a glare from Axl.

They had made some stupid bet that if some girl had curly hair, then would be the day Axl would pass over 50 bucks.

"But dude, she was like a kid," Duff said, "Rebel kid," Izzy said snickering slightly, "Yeah..." Axl said zoning out.

"Anyways, I wonder what she was so mad about," Steven said as he sat down and tilted his head back, making sweet love to his beer can, "No clue..." Duff shrugged.

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