12. Big Bro Axl to the rescue.

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Axl made his way out of the apartment, jogging down the footpath and making his way across the street, when he saw Erin sniffling, sitting on a bench.

He ran over and knelt down, "Hey, hey what's going on?" He frowned, she whimpered and hugged him, "Come on dude, let's get some food," he sighed and rubbed her back.

He let her jump on his back, carrying her across the road to the store where he bought some snacks and of course essentials.

"You shouldn't cry yknow? You should be happy," he said softly, she sniffled and hummed, pressing her chin against his shoulder as he carried her home.

"Come on, we're gonna watch a horror movie," he said and laid down on the couch, she laid beside him and watched the tv screen as he put Hellraiser on.

"What were you upset about?" He asked, "Just thoughts and stuff," she mumbled, "It's okay, you're not alone kiddo," he said softly and wrapped his arms around her, smiling as she slowly fell asleep in his arms.

"The movies barely started," he chuckled and watched the scene where they were moving into the house... Yeah, that's how fast she fell asleep.

"You're a little rat, but I love you," he said and patted her head.

(Short but oop)

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