3. Purple rain.

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-btw this book was requested-.

It was raining... Again.

"Ugh, can there be one day where L. A isn't a shit dump?" Axl scoffed, "No, of course not," Slash grumbled.

They had been wanting to get out of this dump for ages but of course, the weather had other plans.

Duff crawled over to the window, looking outside, "Steven!" He gasped, waving him over, the drummer bounced over, looking down, "Hey look! Purple girl!" Steven said, so the other three had a look as well, "Hah! Curls," Slash said happily.

"I wanna go talk to her," Steven said, "She's a kid," Duff frowned at him.
"No, not like that! I mean in a big brother kinda way," Steven shrugged.

"We don't know her," Axl frowned.
"No fucking shit guys!" Steven groaned, "Why do you think I want to talk to her?" Steven scoffed and grabbed his jacket as the rain stopped.

"I'll be back," he said and jogged out.

"What an idiot," Izzy said, they decided to watch, watching as the blonde fuzz ball walked over to the girl who was sitting on a closed dumpster bin.

He jumped up and sat beside her, talking to her about gods knows what.
They began laughing.

"I wonder what they're saying..." Axl said.

"Who was the guy?" Steven asked, "That old fuck was Henry, my care taker, he wants me to fuck men for money," The purple haired girl, known as Erin told him.

"What? How old are you?" Steven frowned, "Fourteen," Eric scoffed, "Fourteen! That's it?! And he wants you to do that?" Steven huffed, "Yeah, that's why I ran away, although the weather is shit," she shrugged.

"I know..." Steven agreed, "Hey... Wait here," he said, she nodded and he ran back inside.

"Bout time," Axl said, "So?" Slash asked him, "Guys, she's so cool!" Steven said, "She likes rock n roll, she plays guitar, she's even from Hawaii!" Steven said in awe.

"That is pretty cool," Duff agreed.

"You guys gotta meet her, come on!" Steven pleaded, "The fuck? Why would I want to meet her?" Axl snarled.

"Oh come on, please? Duff you will won't you?" Steven begged, "Yeah sure," Duff said.

"I'm definitely going, fellow curls!" Slash said happily and jumped over the couch, "Izz?" Duff pouted, "Ugh," The most mature grumbled and walked over.

"Come on, that leaves you Axl..." Duff said, "Fine," Axl sighed and they walked out.

She was picking at her calluses.
"What up?" Duff asked and they all jumped up on the dumpster.

"The sky," Erin said, "Oh haha," He said rolling his eyes.

"What was the outburst about?" Duff asked, "The dude wants me to be a sex worker, so I ran off," Erin explained, "Wha? How old are you?" Axl asked, "Fourteen," she said.

"No! Nah uh! No nasty nasty until you're at least 18!" Slash pouted, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"I gotta protect my fellow curls," he said making her giggle.
"Where were you headed?" Duff asked, "Headed? I was just planning on sleeping up here, it's kinda comfy," she shrugged.

"Comfy my ass," Axl said as he had to move around to get comfy, "My ass has cushion, you guys, tiny butt," she nodded, "Oh suck one," Duff huffed making her smirk.

"Wouldn't know where to find one if I tried," she said as she peeled skin off her calluses.
"Ew, stop doing that," Slash said and slapped her hands away making her roll her eyes.

"It's just a calluse," she said wiggling her fingers at him, "Which are good for playing guitar," Slash added, "Yeah... Well, duh," Erin shrugged.

"Hey kid, how long have you been playing?" Steven asked, "About 11 years," she said, "Damn, that's longer then me," Slash said, "You or your weiner?" She asked, making them laugh as he grumbled and pushed her off the bin, she giggled and climbed back up.

"So you learnt when you were 3?" Steven asked in awe, "Mhm, I started on a wind up thing and then I upgraded to a cheap strat when I was four for Christmas," she said.
"Now what do you play?" Steven asked, "I just got up," she huffed and jumped down, grabbing her guitar case, sitting down again and opening the case, a beautiful black strat.

"Nice strat," Slash said, "Thanks," she said and closed the case.

"Hey, you could sleep in the spare room," Steven said giving thought.
"What?! That's a terrible idea, we're crashing place to place, girls, sex, drugs, beer, all that shit and you want to involve a kid?!" Axl barked.

"Oh calm down," Duff scoffed.

"I'm used to all of the above," Eric  said as she swung her legs, "See Ax?" Steven hummed.

"Eh... Don't kill us when you're on your period," Axl said making them chuckled as they took her upstairs.

"I'm not too bad at that time, just as long as you're not annoying, which might be difficult for you guys," she said, "Oh fuck you," Izzy said with a smile making her giggle.

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