10. Rock n roll.

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God it was fucking amazing, standing on the side watching the show, Axl, Duff and Slash running around like idiots, Steven bouncing on his stool and Izzy shaking his head in disappointment.

"Heyo!" She turned and saw Vince Neil walking over with the other three following behind.
"Erin! What's up dude?!" Nikki cheered, high five-like-handshaking her.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked, "Came to see the show, and hang out with you," he smirked, "Yeah like I'm so awesome," she scoffed and let him put his arm around her shoulder.

"You know Erin, you're a lot like Mick, grumpy," Vince said, earning a smack over the head from his guitarist, "See, right there," he said, earning another whack.

"Would you knock it off?!" Vince barked in his face, Mick just smirked, "Oops, sorry my hand slipped..." Mick said, "Yeah... It just slipped a little, no big deal," Erin scoffed making them snicker.

"Isn't this the one where Axl fucked some chick?" Vince asked, "Yep," Erin said, "Ew!" She said as she saw Axl putting his hands on a groupie/stage dancer.

"Hehe, girls," Vince snickered, "Do singers just have pea brain... Or?" Erin frowned, "Oh fuck off, dude!" Vince laughed and gently punched her shoulder.

"Suck it you fuck," she said, "What's there to suck?" He chuckled, "My middle finger, I may not have a dick but my middle finger sure can get a boner," she said and flipped him off making them laugh, "Ohhh! Get told!" Tommy cackled.

"Why do you hate me?" Vince chuckled, "I don't hate you, I just think you're old," Erin shrugged making them snicker.

"Fuck you," he said and pushed her, she fell on the floor, "Child abuse," she said, "Shit dude, you good?" Tommy chuckled and gave her a hand, "Help me sue him," she said, "You can't do that little dude, you're too young," he said, "Ugh, fine than stand still," she sighed, "What for- ACK!" He gasped as she jumped on his back, "A warning would've worked just fine!" He pouted, "No, don't need one!" She smiled and watched the show from this angle.

"Move to the left a little, stand side on... Little more, perfect!" She smiled and gently patted his bare shoulders, "Ugh, whatever," Tommy said, "Thanks slave," she beamed, "SLAVE?!" he gasped making them laugh.

She giggled and nodded, continuing to watch the show.

"Why are you so fascinated anyways?" Vince asked, "Because it's cool," she said, "Psshh, dude you should watch us on stage!" Tommy said, "I will, maybe... I gotta deal with those boys being hoes because I live with them, if you so much as touch a girl innapropriately around me, I will kick you in the nuts, got that?" She asked, "Yeah yeah," Nikki chuckled.

"Hey Tommy?" Erin asked, "Yeah?" He asked, "Why are you so tall?" She asked, "Why are you so short?" He chuckled, "Because I was locked in a cupboard for half my life, and you?" She joked making them chuckle.

"Hit over the ass with a cane in school too much," he said, "Sucks to be you, I never went to school, which is why... *sigh* I'm so... Dumb..." She sniffled, "Knew it would be something like that," Nikki joked, "Hey!" She pouted making them snicker.

"Mick is my favourite now, he doesn't talk mean to me," she said, "He barely even fucking spoke!" Vince said, "Exactly, now shut the fuck up you Barbie doll," she said, "I'm being harrassed," Vince scoffed making her giggle.

"Yeah, now shut up before I slap the shit out of you," she said, "You couldnt," Nikki said, "Why?" She asked, "You're just too sweet for that shit Erin, you're all talk," he shrugged, "Oh shut up," she pouted.

"Nikki remember that time when we were running from the cops, and we fell at the gate and hid?" She giggled, "Dude that was fun!" Nikki laughed.

"Ugh... Trouble maker in the making," Vince said, "No, more like spastic in the making," she said making them laugh.

"Tommy let me down," she said, he let go of her legs and she made him get down so she could get on his shoulders.

"Woohoo! I'm so tall!" She cheered, arms in the air.

Slash was on the floor playing his guitar solo, completely wasted while Axl was running around like mad still.

"How the shit does he sing while doing that?" She asked, "Proportion, you gotta give some to breathing some to singing," Vince shrugged.

"I could never run around like that, I'd faceplant," she giggled making Nikki snicker at the visual.

"Not even kidding, I was walking to the shop to go get a vinyl and my foot whacked against my boot and I went splat like a sack of shit," she giggled making them laugh.

"Feel good?" Vince asked, "It tickled a little," she smiled making him chuckle.

"I like your hair," she told Tommy as she played with his dyed black hair, "Thanks," he said and put his hands on her ankles, tickling them making her squeak and kick her feet around, she fell backwards, being caught by Vince who snickered.

"Ticklish?" He asked, "Maybe a little..." She smiled, "Nikki, piggy back ride! I don't trust Tommy anymore," she said making them chuckle as he let her jump on his back.

"You know where the fuck you are?!"

"Ohhh, I love this part," Erin said in awe.


"Hoes," She nodded making them laugh, "Sweetie, why is everything hoes with you?" Vince asked, "Ahem, says you sir," Erin scoffed, flicking her hair off her shoulder making them giggle.

"We are proud sluts," Tommy said, "Obviously," she said, pointing at his outfit making them laugh.

Mick just stood awkwardly, watching the show but not really paying attention.

Erin played with Vince's hair, he didn't mind though, letting her fluff it up.
"You're like a blonde pomeranian," she said making them snicker, "Fuck you," he said, "Nope," she beamed.

"I was gonna be sold for people to fuck me though," she said, "What the fuck?" Tommy asked, "My parents are dead, so this dude took me in and tried selling me," she said.

"Dude... I had no idea," Nikki said and ruffled her hair up when he placed her down.
"Heyyy, I was tall," she pouted, he rolled his eyes and picked her up, legs around his waist as he stood sideways so she could still see the show.

"I haven't played guitar in ages, ugh," she huffed and headbutt Nikki's chest, "Dude, why not?" Vince asked, "Because... I don't know, I have acoustic, I don't have an electric though," she shrugged, "That sucks, you should get one," Tommy said, "I will," she yawned.

"Acoustic is hard... Electric is so easy, the neck is thinner and easier to do power chords on," she said, "True," Mick agreed, "Look, it's a hoe," she said as she saw Duff run over, he grabbed a bottle of water, "Bye hoe!" She yelled after him, getting flipped off in return.

"Well, that wasn't very nice..." She pouted making them chuckle.

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