new beginnings (chapter one)

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y/n: your name
y/l/n: your last name
y/n/n: your nickname

y/n's pov:

i woke up to the sound of my alarm, i groaned wanting to go back to sleep. i was about to but i remembered that i'm moving house today so i have no choice but to get out of bed. i was about to get up when i heard a knock at the door.

"come in!"  i said.

"hey honey we have to leave soon so please start getting ready okay?" my mom said.

"okay mom i will!" i said.

she left my room so i started to get ready, i showered and got dressed.

your outfit:

(you can pretend it's another outfit if you don't like it idm !!)

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(you can pretend it's another outfit if you don't like it idm !!)

i went back to my room and put on my black converse. most of my stuff was already in the moving van except my sketchbook and some other small things. i decided to put that stuff in my backpack. when i was done i walked downstairs and out the door making my way to the car. my older brother decided to drive the moving truck while my mom drives the car. i decided to sit in the car with my mom. i sat down in the car and we started to leave. i'm gonna be honest i didn't really want to move because i have friends here but my mom and dad just got divorced so my mom thought it would be a good idea to move. or as she called it "a new fresh start."

"hey y/n are you okay?" my mom questioned.

"yeah i'm fine i'm just gonna miss my friends and stuff but it's okay." i explained.

"i know you're upset but i thought it would be good to have a fresh new start because of all the bad memories here." she said.

"yeah that's true sorry mom"
i apologised.

"don't apologise it's okay, also you look tired what time did you go to bed last night?" she said to me.

"like 3 am i think? i don't know i guess i was nervous and excited about moving you know?" i explained.

"yeah that's reasonable i found it hard to sleep last night too. you can take a nap if you want. i will wake you up when we get there!" she said cheerfully.

"okay mom thanks!" i thanked her.

"you're welcome honey" she said to me.

i closed my eyes and dozed off.

(400 words 😜 also sorry if this is bad this is literally my first time writing a fanfict 😭)

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