halloween (chapter 4)

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i woke up to my alarm being way to loud as usual, i got up brushed my teeth, got in the shower and then got dressed.


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i put my stuff in my backpack and went into the kitchen.

"goodmorning y/n" james said when he saw me.

"goodmorning james, where's mom?"  i asked curiously.

"she got a new job so she's at work right now. do you want me to take you to school?" he asked.

"nah it's good my friend is taking me" i told him.

"jonathan?" he asked me.

"no his name is steve and i'm also going to a halloween party tonight too!" i explained

"ohhh okay have fun cya later!" james said.

"cya james!" i said walking out the door.

i was sitting on the front porch waiting for steve, as i was waiting for him i pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing. i decided to draw steve because he was the only thing i could think of right now for some reason. i finished the drawing just in time as i saw steve pull up. i put my sketchbook and pencil back in my bag and got in steve's car shutting the door behind me.

"hey stevie, where are your friends?" i asked kinda confused because he normally takes them to school.

"hey y/n/n i decided not to take them because i know you don't like them and i kinda don't like them anymore anyways." he replied.

"oh okay i hope i didn't ruin your guy's friendship." i said.

"you didn't i promise. i just didn't want to be friends with them anymore and i have you now so i'm fine."  he told me as he started driving.

"okay also your still taking me back to my house after school so i can get ready right?" i asked him.

"yeah of course! what are you dressing up as?" he asked me.

"a cowboy!" i said excitedly.

"oh cool! i'm gonna be joel from risky business, me and nancy are matching she's going to be lana!" he explained.

"that's nice." i said slightly annoyed but not quite sure why. was i jealous? i don't know.

"hey are you okay?" steve asked me worriedly.

"yeah i'm fine just kinda hungry." i half lied because i actually was hungry.

"you can have these if you want" he said handing me a can of bbq pringles.

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