welcome to hawkins (chapter 2)

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i woke up to my mom gently shaking me awake.

"yeah?" i groaned.

"we are here honey!" my mom explained.

i looked out the window to see a sign that's read 'welcome to hawkins'

as my mom was driving to our new house i noticed how nice hawkins looked.

"it's actually kinda nice" i said.

"yeah it is!" my mom said.

we eventually arrived at our new house and it was pretty nice tbh. i flung my bag over my shoulder and got out of the car. i walked into the house and decided to check out my new room. it was actually a decent size, not to big but not to small. the house was already furnished so we didn't have to bring that much stuff. i placed my bag on my bed and went outside to help my mom and brother unload the moving truck.

when i was helping unload stuff i noticed 4 boys riding their bikes they looked like they were maybe 12 or 13 then i felt someone place their hand on my shoulder snapping me back into reality and making me jump.

it was my brother james.

"james you scared the shit out of me!!" i exclaimed.

"oh sorry y/n i didn't mean to, i just wanted to ask if you could help me take some boxes in but you looked distracted." he explained.

"oh my bad and yeah i'll help." i said picking up a box that said 'y/n's room' on it and taking it to my room.

once i had all my boxes in my room i opened them and started setting up everything. i made my bed and put all my plushies on it and then i put all my clothes away and then arranged my desk. i still needed more decorations like posters and stuff so i decided to ask my brother if he wanted to go to some stores to buy decorations for our bedrooms and he agreed.

we got in the car and he drove us to downtown hawkins were all the stores were. i noticed a music store that sold records, cassette tapes, walkmans and even some posters.

"hey james, can we go in that store it looks cool!" i asked him.

"yeah sure! i wanna buy some new cassette tapes anyways" he explained.

"yeah me too!" i said happily.

we walked into the store and i went to look at the cassette tapes. i noticed a 'should i stay or should i go' cassette tape and decided to get it. as i was looking at it i heard someone beside me say

"that's a good song, it's one of my favourites!"

i looked up to see a guy with brown hair smiling at me.

"oh yeah it's one of my favourites too!" i laughed.

he stuck out his hand

"my names jonathan by the way! and i don't think i've ever seen you around here before did you just move here?"  he asked.

i shook his hand.

"my names y/n and yeah i actually just moved here today and i'm starting school tomorrow" i explained.

"oh really? how old are you?" he questioned.

"i'm 17!" i told him.

"same! that means we might have some classes together!" he said.

"that's good! now i know someone" i laughed and he laughed aswell.

"you can hangout with me at lunch too if you want"  he asked me.

"yeah that sounds nice thanks!" i thanked him.

"you're welcome! well i gotta go home cya later y/n!" he said happily.

"bye jonathan!" i said.

i saw him go to the front of the store to pay for his stuff and leave. i went back to looking at the cassette tapes and even picking a few posters with singers that i liked on them when my brother walked over to me.

"who was that guy you were talking to?"  my brother asked me.

"oh his names jonathan be goes to hawkins high to and he said i can hangout with him at lunch tomorrow!" i explained.

"oh that's nice, i'm glad you made a friend!"  he said.

"yeah me too!" i said back to him.

we payed for our stuff and then we decided to check out a couple more stores picking some more stuff up that we liked along the way. when we were done we got back into the car and went home. while we were gone our mom did some unpacking.

"hey mom we are back!" james shouted opening the door and gently kicking it closed behind him because both of our hands were full.

"oh hey guys, i'm going to go food shopping so how about you guys set up all your new stuff while i'm gone!" our mom explained to us.

"okay mom, bye!" me and james both said in unison.

i walked into my room shutting the door behind me and placing all the bags full of stuff onto my bed. i got out the posters i bought and started putting them on my wall. when i was done i placed a new plushie and some new pillows i got onto my bed. i also got a new blanket. then i set up a guitar stand i got for my electric guitar. i did already have a stand but my acoustic guitar was already on it so i had to buy a new one. i got a new skate board because my other one broke and last but not least i got cassette tapes and a walkman!

when i was done i walked into the living room and sat down. all a sudden i heard a knock on the door and opened it to see a little kid with curly brown hair. he was one of the kids that i saw riding his bike earlier.

"hey, i'm dustin henderson and i just wanted to welcome you to hawkins! i live next door" he said smiling at me.

"thank you dustin! and my name is y/n it's nice to meet you!" i said smiling at him.

"well if you ever want me to give you a tour of hawkins then feel free to ask!" he said happily.

"okay dustin i will! thank you" i thanked him.

"bye y/n see you later!"

"bye dustin!"

i shut the door and walked back inside. my mom came back home and we had dinner. after dinner i changed into my pjs which were black and white plaid pj pants and a white shirt. i brushed my teeth and fell asleep kind of looking forward for school tomorrow because i had jonathan to hangout with!


hey guys i hope you are enjoying this story so far! sorry it's pretty long and sorry if it sucks this is my first time writing a fanfict but i hope you like it! :)

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