hawkins high (chapter 3)

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i woke up to my alarm being loud asf. i rolled over and turned it off and started getting out of bed. i got some clothes and a towel and hopped in the shower.


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(feel free to change it if you don't like it!!)

once i was done getting ready i went into the kitchen to see that mom had made waffles.

"good morning honey!" my mom said when she saw me.

"morning mom! where's james?" i asked.

"he's gone to look for a job" she replied.

"ohhh okay" i said.

i ate my breakfast and grabbed my skateboard because i was gonna skate to school. i was about to leave the house when my mom stopped me.

"hey y/n i made you lunch! have a good day" she said happily.

"thank you, bye mom i love you" i said opening the front door.

"i love you too honey!" she said.

i smiled at her and left the house shutting the door behind me.

i got on my skateboard and skated to school. when i was about half way there i noticed a car pull up next to me.

"hey y/n need a ride?"

it was jonathan.

"yeah sure if you don't mind i'm kinda tired from skating to be honest." i said to the brown haired boy.

"okay get in!" he smiled at me.

i got in the back seat because a little boy who looked like a mini jonathan was sitting in the front. i'm guessing it's jonathan's brother.

"y/n this is my brother will" jonathan explained.

"hey y/n!" will said to me.

"hey will! and i kinda guessed to be honest he's like a mini version of you!" i said and jonathan laughed as well as will.

'should i stay or should i go' was playing and i noticed will was humming along to it.

"so you like this song to?" i said to will.

"huh? oh yeah it's my favourite!" will replied.

we got to the parking lot of the school and jonathan got wills bike out of the trunk for him.

"bye guys!" will said to the both of us.

"bye will!" me and jonathan said in unison.

he biked to the middle school to meet up with his friends while me and jonathan walked into hawkins high. jonathan took me to the principals office because i had to get my schedule and stuff. on the way there i noticed everyone was staring at me or me and jonathan i wasn't sure but it's probably because i'm new or something. i got my stuff from the principals office and i showed jonathan my schedule.

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