i like you. (chapter 5)

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he was about to tell me but then he started crying.

"hey hey it's okay don't cry it's gonna be okay" i said trying my best to comfort him.

"nancy said.. mine and her relationship is.. bullshit." he said between sobs.

i felt so bad for him i can't believe nancy would do that.

"steve you deserve way better than her, and you will find someone better then her." i said softly.

steve started hugging me tightly and he also stopped crying.

"let's go to sleep okay?" i said to the now puffy eyed boy.

"okay.." he replied quietly.

"should i sleep in the living room?" i asked.

"no.. please stay." he whispered.

"are you sure?" i questioned.

"mhm.." he replied. he sounded so tired and upset i felt so bad.

we got into his bed and i pulled his blanket over us, he laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist so i hugged him back.


"yes stevie?"

"thank you for everything." he looked up at me and stared into my eyes. i also noticed him staring at my lips from time to time which made me blush like crazy.

"is y/n y/l/n blushing?" he said questionably.

"what? no.." i lied.

"then why is your face all red?" he said to me.

"uh no reason. goodnight." i said nervously.

"y/n." he said while staring into my eyes.

"yeah?" i asked.

he placed his hand on my cheek and leaned it. i leaned in too. the kiss didn't last long but it was really good.

"oh my god i'm so sorry i don't know why i did that i understand if you hate me now" he said as he started to freak out.

i didn't say anything i just leaned in and kissed him again hoping he'd understand i enjoyed it.

"you like guys?" i asked him.

"yeah and girls too i just never told anyone because i was scared. you know?" he explained.

"yeah i understand." i replied still blushing.

"do you like guys?" he asked me.

"well.. i like you." i said.

"wait really?"   he asked, kinda shocked.

"yes steve harrington i like you. when i first met you i knew i liked you and that's why i always randomly acted upset around nancy and stuff because i was jealous."  i explained.

"that does make sense. and i like you too y/n y/l/n i really do."  he told me.

we just smiled at each other and laid back down again.

"goodnight y/n sleep well"  he said while hugging me again.

"goodnight steve i hope you sleep well too"  i replied, kissing the top of his head.

then we both driften off to sleep.


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