"i thought you liked me." (chapter 6)

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i woke up to steve sleeping peacefully on my chest. i smiled to myself remembering what happened last night. i shook steve trying to wake him up.

"what?" he groaned.

"steve wake up we have to go to school." i told him.

"okayyy" he replied.

we both got up and he went to his closet and handed me some of his clothes so i had something to wear.

"here you can keep them too i already have enough clothes!" he told me.

"are you sure?" i questioned

"yeah of course!" he told me.

"thank you so much!" i thanked him.

"you're welcome" he smiled.

i went to his bathroom to get ready and i decided to shower. when i was done i changed into the clothes he got me.


(pretend that steve had some converse that he gave to you)

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(pretend that steve had some converse that he gave to you)

i walked out of the bathroom and into steve's bedroom as he was putting his shirt on.

"oh sorry i should of knocked" i said blushing.

"it's okay i'm done anyways"  he said.

we walked downstairs and he asked if i was hungry, i said yes and he started making pancakes so i sat down at the table and waited. when he was done we ate and left the house to go to school. when we arrived at school our first lesson was gym so steve got ready and i just said i hurt my leg so i could sit out cuz i hate gym. i sat at the bleachers and just sketched in my sketchbook. i felt someone sit next to me so i looked up and saw a guy i've never seen before. he had curly shoulder length hair.

"hey i've never seen you before are you new?"  he asked me.

"yeah i am my names y/n"  i told him.

"i like your name, my name is eddie" he replied.

"thank you, i like your name too!"  i said.

"what are you drawing?"  he asked me.

i showed him my sketchbook, i was drawing my electric guitar.

"that's so cool! i actually have an electric guitar"  he said to me.

"me too and thank you!"  i smiled.

"you're welcome!"  he said smiling at me.

i looked over at steve and saw that billy knocked him over. he went to help steve up but just knocked him back down again. then i saw nancy call steve over to her and they left the gymnasium.

"hey i'll be right back."  i said to eddie.

"okay bye y/n!" he replied to me.

"bye eddie"  i said smiling at him.

i walked outside to see nancy and steve arguing. i hid behind the wall not wanting them to know i was there. they were arguing about last night and nancy was saying that she was drunk and that she didn't know what she was talking about. a guy suddenly came over and told steve to come back to the gymnasium so steve started walking back and i stopped him asking if he was okay.

"y/n leave me alone i don't want to talk right now." he snapped.

"what?.." i asked confused and upset.

"just leave me alone. i'm upset over nancy." he said.

"what do you still love her or something?!" i shouted at him.

"yes i do! now leave me alone." he shouted back.

"i thought you liked me.." i said, my eyes starting to tear up.

"whatever just leave me alone we can talk about us later." he said annoyed.

i sat down on the ground next to the brick wall and pulled my legs against my chest, resting my head on my knees and quietly sobbing.


i looked up to see eddie.

"y/n what happened?" he asked me.

i explained everything. i told him about last night and how i thought steve liked me but he still clearly liked nancy.

"please don't hate me because i'm gay." i said to him anxiously.

"i wouldn't hate you just because you're gay. i'm gay too." he explained to me.

i smiled at him as he pulled me into a hug.

"i got your bag for you, do you wanna skip school? we can go anywhere you want i'll drive you!" he asked me.

"okay sure!" i said cheering up a bit.

hey guys ik eddie wasn't introduced in season 2 but i wanted to add him because why not so yeah just pretend eddie has shorter hair and is younger 😍

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