eddie munson (chapter 7)

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eddie helped me up and i threw my bag over my shoulders as he held my hand and led me to his van. i barely know this guy and he seems so nice, i have heard about him around school though because of rumours and stuff. apparently he's a freak and got held back a few years or something. he doesn't seem like a freak.

"here's my van! now where do you wanna go?" eddie asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"i'm not sure, what do you wanna do?" i asked the curly haired boy.

"we could go to the arcade?" he said to me.

"okay! that sounds like fun" i smiled at him.

he opened the passenger door for me and i got in, he shut the door for me and walked around his van to the drivers seat and sat down shutting the door behind him. he put his mixtape in the van cassette player and 'i was made for lovin' you.' by kiss started playing.

"i love this song so much!" i said smiling.

"me too!" he said softly.

about 10 minutes later we arrived at the arcade. he got out and walked over to my side opening the door for me.

"what a gentleman" i said, laughing a bit.

"only for you" he said teasingly and winking at me.

we walked into the arcade and started to play some of the games. about 30 minutes later eddie asked if i was hungry and i said yes so he took me to this diner.

(time skip cuz i'm lazy)

after we ate eddie drove me back home. when we got to my house he got out of the van and walked to the passenger side to open the door for me.

"thanks eddie!" i said smiling at him.

"you're welcome y/n!"  he said smiling back at me.

i walked to the front door.

"see you monday eddie!" i said waving at him.

"bye y/n see ya on monday" he waved back and got in his car waiting for me to get back in my house before driving off.

i walked in the house, closing the door behind me.

"anyone home?!" i shouted but got no reply.

"i guess no one's home" i thought to myself before walking to my room.

i got in my room, closing the door behind me and getting changed into my pjs.

it was like 5pm so it was too early to go to sleep so i got my walkman and decided to listen to my queen tape

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it was like 5pm so it was too early to go to sleep so i got my walkman and decided to listen to my queen tape. 'another one bites the dust' was playing so i sang along quietly when i heard the front door open. i paused my walkman and walked out of my room to see my mom.

"oh hey honey sorry for not being back sooner i had a longer shift today. are you hungry?" my mom asked me.

"oh don't worry mom it's okay and i already ate. i went to the diner with a new friend i made." i told her.

"oh that's nice i'm glad you're making friends!" my mom said softly.

"yeah me too!" i smiled at her.

(time skip to 8pm)

"mom do you know where james is?" i asked confused.

"oh he's at a friends house!" she told me.

"ohhh okay well i'm gonna go to sleep goodnight love you" i kissed her cheek

"goodnight honey! sleep well love you." she said softly, before i headed to my bedroom.

i walked in my room, shutting the door behind me before getting into bed and pulling the covers over me. i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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