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Before starting...

Many of you were confused as if this story isn't femboy then how is it mpreg. Let me clear it first, there are many stories which tell about the special male's who can conceive even if they don't have female genetics. So this story is like that too, hope you all understand...


That night the raven head called the police who tried to find the silver head, but there wasn't a trace of a human near the Han river. The police ended up closing the case saying raven head must have hallucinated or the male had been saved by someone else before the police arrived. The scene of the crying male flashed in the raven haired male's mind throughout the night as he was guilty for snapping at that male who himself was broken.


3 months later...

The raven head was at a fancy restaurant, the reason wasn't something fun he was here to have a business meeting. Yeah business meeting at a fancy restaurant, he was cringed and bored just by the thought. But can he say no, he definitely can't.

Cause his father has asked him to do this meeting and he don't want to decline the male's words. To say the meeting was anything fun will be an understatement. Cause he was bored as hell, why won't he be.

The female buisness woman who was supposed to be talking just about business was busy flirting with him. Which he didn't appreciated a bit, and to get out of the situation he excused himself to washroom.

He could have just declared that the meeting was over, but he can't be be rude to one of the biggest investors of his company right. This, he found himself inside the washroom, leaning his ass over the washroom slab, scrolling over his phone to pass his time.

The cubic in front of him clicked and the door got opened. He glanced up and he nearly threw his phone with a scared face when he saw the silver head right in front of him.

"AAAAHHHHH-----" The raven head took a deep breath and shouted loudly, just to be stopped by a hand pressed over his lips.

"God, why so loud?" The silver head spoke rubbing his ear with his fre hand finger, as his one hand was pressed over the raven haired's mouth, the male stared at the pretty human in shock.

"Oh my ghost." The raven spoke in fear as soon as the hand was taken away.

"It's oh my god." Silver head corrected him as he casually walked to one of the sink to wash his hands.

"No, you are the ghost." The raven spoke staring at the male.

"Yeah a pretty ghost." The silver head spoke with an eye roll.

"No seriously, you are dead then how come you are here? Do ghost go to washroom as well?" The raven asked tilting his head dumbly.

The pretty male stared at him with a blank look. He dried his hands as he looked back at the shocked male.

"Close your mouth, an I ain't any ghost." The male spoke.

"You are not? But you jumped from the Han river?" The raven asked being confused.

"Guess you are drunk, please don't drink and drive. Book a cab." The silver head spoke giving a small tap on raven haired's shoulder and walked pass him.

Processing the words the male just spoke the raven finally snapped out of his daze.

"Me? Drunk? Is this male in his senses? Or he has lost his all senses after being cheated? " The raven spoke looking around for the silver head but huffed in anger as he found himself all alone.

"He? That pretty bitch dared to leave me, The Jeon Jungkook hanging again?" The raven named Jeon Jungkook gritted his teeth, stomping his feet angrily he walked out totally forgetting why he was here standing.

"Mr Jeon, it took you long enough." Mrs Ahn, spoke smiling sweetly at the male who passed her a small fake smile.

"How can I forget I wanted to ditch this witch." Jungkook muttured under his breath.

"I gotta go, I have many work that's important to be done. Will meet you later, have a nice day." Jungkook hurriedly spoke as he placed some cash on their table and rushed out.


"Dad, let me make it clear. I am not going to do any deal with that witch ever." Jungkook grumpily spoke.

"It's fine son. I know how she is, I am already going to stop doing business with her." Mr Jeon Hanuel spoke from the other side making Jungkook frown.

"When you had to stop doing business with her why the hell you have to send me to deal with her." Jungkook spoke being damn pissed.

"Cause you should know not everyone will be handled by you." Hanuel spoke and disconnected the call, Jungkook stared at his licked phone and scoffed.

"There's no way a person won't be handled by me." He spoke with a huff as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

"That witch drained my whole energy, I want coffee." He grumbled under his breath as he drove to Starbucks.


"Wow!! The aroma, I just love coffee." Jungkook muttured as he walked inside the decent, and calm Starbucks.

"One white choc. Mocha." Jungkook spoke as the girl asked him to wait for a while.

He looked around at the place and got settled on a chair in a corner. He was scrolling through his phone, when he was called.

"Your white choc mocha." The girl spoke lifting the big cup in her hands. Jungkook lifted his hand to hold the cup, but before him another hand grabbed the cup and his hand got placed on the soft ones.

He looked at his side just to groan in frustration.

"Why do I have to see you everywhere?" Jungkook asked as he retreated his hands from the soft one, while the male just shrugged.

"I want to ask the same." He muttured as he smiled at the girl and was about to take a sip but his hand was stopped by the male in front of him.

"That's my drink." Jungkook spoke, pulling the cup towards him.

"Sorry to say, but it's mine." The silver head spoke as he pulled the cup towards him.

"Excuse me, you can't just say this. I ordered it." Jungkook groaned as he glared at the pretty male in front of him. Who cared less.

"Mr Jeon, if I am not wrong. But this drink was ordered by me, ask her if you want." The silver head spoke pointing at the girl who was staring at the two back and forth.

"Umm, yeah. It was his drink sir, your's is ready as well." The girl spoke holding another cup the same size at the one that was held by the two.

To say Jungkook was embarrassed won't be wrong cause the male wanted the ground to swallow him right there. The grip he had over the soft hands lossened. As he held the cup the girl had.

"Didn't I say don't drink and drive." The silver head spoke taking a sip from the cup, humming at the taste.

"Tae, we are getting late."Someone called from somewhere.

"Coming, make sure for your safety. The earth is lacking of handsome male's." The silver head now known as tae spoke with a wink as he trailed away leaving Jungkook amazed, and embarrassed at the same time.

Should he be embarrassed that he made himself look like a fool in front of the pretty male?, should he be angry that that pretty bitch was thinking he is drunk? or should he be amazed and proud that the pretty male called him handsome?

Getting no answer from his mind he just walked out of the cafe, driving to his company. God knows why he is bumping with the same male again and again.


To be continue...

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