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A beautiful morning, birds criping, soft sunlight peeking through the closed curtains. The male on the white sheets sleeping peacefully all alone cause as always his husband was awake early in the morning.

The raven haired groaned as his peaceful sleep was disturbed by the irritating alarm tone. Still he switched off the alarm and sat on the bed, eyes still half closed, his hairs going in all directions, a small pout on his as he sighed.

"Why does he have to be awake so early?" Jungkook muttered to himself as he found himself alone in the bed again. Throwing the duvet away from his body he walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

After getting a hot shower Jungkook walked out of the bathroom in the walk in closet, a towel wrapped around his waist as he thought to get his suit for the day. But a small smile came on jungkook's lips as he saw a perfect grey suit placed near the dressing table.

"Tae indeed has the best choice." Jungkook muttured himself as he looked at his own reflection in the mirror after wearing the suit. Styling his hair properly, he walked down to the kitchen and was amazed by the silver haired appearance who was sitting on his chair sipping his hot chocolate while scrolling something on his phone.

"Good morning." Tae looked at Jungkook as he heard his voice.

"Good morning, looking nice. I have a great choice after all." Tae spoke flipping his imaginary hair, Jungkook just shook his head he was really expecting that.

"Your coffee is on the kitchen counter." Tae spoke when he saw Jungkook looking for his coffee, the raven haired hummed and walked to get his coffee.

They both had their breakfast in silence, and then proceeded to their car to leave for their office.

"Good morning Mr Jeon and---" the reception lady, stopped not knowing what to address the male standing next to the new chair man of the jeon's.

"Mr Jeon Kim Taehyung." Tae spoke with a smile, the lady was stunned for a few seconds cause the last name being Jeon indicated the beautiful male was the husband of the Jeon jungkook.

"Good morning Mr Jeon." The lady spoke bowing to tae who greeted her back. The two processed to the special elevator and get inside, tae pressed the top floor bottom.

"Uncl-- dad texted me and told he had already set both of over things at the chairman's office room." Tae spoke.

"He didn't informed me." Jungkook spoke with a frown.

"Yeah cause he asked me to tell you." Tae spoke with a shrug, Jungkook nodded. The elevator dinged, the metal doors got opened and the two walked out towards the big chairman's office room.

The whole floor had just the chairman's and the secretary's cabin, other employees weren't allowed here until or unless they have some important work to do.

"Good morning Mr and Mr Jeon." Hoseok greeted the two with a warm smile on his face.

"Morning hobi hyung, how are you?" Tae spoke with a smile as well.

"All well, sunshine can never be dull." Hoseok spoke with a wink, tae giggled and nodded agreeing.

"But sunshine get's away after the sunset." Jungkook spoke, making the two stare at him blankly. He cleared his throat and walked away. Tae and hoseok chuckled, the silver haired walked behind his husband who stopped once he saw the big wooden door now having his name carved beautifully on it. His smile widen when he noticed there were two names instead of one, and it would be like if we say he didn't like tae's name there.

If it was someone else name, Jungkook might have became angry, but it was tae's his husband's name.

"Are you going to stand here only.?" Jungkook shook his head when tae asked this.

He pushed the door and the two entered inside. The room was grey in colour, two desk placed opposite of each other, with branded computers and files neetly placed on the desk. The two walked to their own chairs as they recongnized their desk by the name plates it had.

'Jeon Jungkook ' and 'jeon Kim Taehyung '.

It's been hours they have came to the office, they both were still looking around or checking some files when there was a ring on the intercom.

"Yes?" Jungkook picked it and answered.

"Mr Jeon there's a female wanting to meet Mr Taehyung." The reception lady spoke.

"What's her name?" Jungkook asked with a frown.

"Kim Jennie." The lady spoke from the other side.

"Tae have you called some Kim Jennie to meet?" Jungkook asked to tae who was looking out through the big glass wall. Tae gave him a nod.

"Yeah send her in our cabin." Jungkook spoke, the lady muttured an ok.

Few minutes later there was a knock on the door, Jungkook asked the person to get in. The big doors were pushed open as a beautiful girl wearing an elegant white mini dress entered inside, she was looking decent yet sexy.

"Mr Kim." The lady called tae who smiled at her and nodded gesturing her to take a seat in front of him.

Jungkook walked near tae and stood next to his chair where tae was sitting. Tae looked at Jungkook who was already looking at him.

"This is Jennie, I know her for a quite long time. She is an employee of mine and the way to take revenge from both of our exs." Tae spoke, Jungkook nodded understanding.

"Jennie this is Jeon jungkook, my husband." Tae introduced, Jennie bowed to Jungkook standing from her seat, the raven just nodded and asked her to sit. He dragged his chair and got settled next to tae.

"So, my plan is to make hyunjin cheat on somi." Tae spoke, Jungkook looked at him with a confused look.

"What we will get if he cheats on somi?" Jungkook asked.

"It's simple, somi is behind hyunjin cause he is rich. If he will get someone else in his life the chance of her using him as a money machine will decrease. She won't want to share the atm of hers with anyone, why hyunjin is a lustful man. He will only let the person near him who will give him pleasure, as per me he will kick somi away from his life and she will be left as a middle class that she hates." Tae explained.

"Hmm, but how can we make hyunjin cheat on somi?" Jungkook asked tae smirked and pointed at Jennie who nodded her head understanding what she have to do.

"Jennie is the key for our revenge." Tae spoke.

"But then what about Hyunjin?" Jungkook asked.

"First we should get ride of somi then we will make him our target." Tae spoke Jungkook nodded, they discussed their plan in detail. Jungkook was indeed impressed by tae's plan, tae was proud of himself that he is going to make somi regret cheating on Jungkook.

Only if he know🙂...


To be continue...

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