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The blue haired male sat on a steel bench, face buried between his palm, feet bouncing on the white tiles out of nervousness. He looked at his right side when he felt a hand on his shoulder. With teary eyes he looked at his father who gave him an assuring smile.

"Not worry kook, he and your baby will be all fine." Hanuel spoke patting Jungkook's shoulder who hummed giving the male a small nod. He looked up and saw his whole family along with Kim's and min's standing there to give him some mental support that he needed the most. Tae is being operated inside the operation theater from 4 hours and every minutes is making Jungkook tensed and worried.

8 hours later...

They all were hella worried and tensed, but flinched as they heard loud cries. Jungkook's eyes went wide as he heard the crying sound, he looked at his mother who was already shedding happy tears, she gave him a nod as if confirming he wasn't just hearing things. Jungkook then looked at his father who smiled with happy tears in his eyes.

Hanuel opened his eyes and Jungkook didn't thought twice before hugging his father like a small kid. Tears slipping from his eyes hands wrapped around Hanuel's waist who patted jungkook's back being happy and proud of his son.

"Congratulations my boy." Hanuel muttured Jungkook nodded still not leaving his father.

"Mr Jeon." Jungkook backed away as he heard irene's voice, he immediately walked to her who had a small baby in her arms wrapped in a soft white blanket.

"Congratulations, your baby girl is all fine." Irene spoke as she forwarded the small girl hidden in the fluffy blanket.

Jungkook gulped hard opening his arms, he held his own flesh his own blood in his arms. Tears of happiness gathered in his eyes as he saw the small girl sleeping peacefully, her soft cotton like cheeks, closed eye lids, and small pouty lips left him in awe.

 Tears of happiness gathered in his eyes as he saw the small girl sleeping peacefully, her soft cotton like cheeks, closed eye lids, and small pouty lips left him in awe

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"My baby, my gem." Jungkook muttured getting the girl close to his chest a soft gasp left his lips as he felt the girl snugging more to him.

"How is my love?" Jungkook asked looking at Irene.

"He is totally fine, just a bit tired and unconscious. Don't worry he will get concious soon." Irene informed.

"Thank you so much." Jungkook spoke genuinely thankful of the girl.

"It's my job, again congratulations." Irene spoke and left to check on her other patients.

"Let us see her as well." Jimin spoke getting near the father daughter.

"Oh my...she is so cute." Jimin squealed as he saw the small girl sleeping peacefully snugged to her dad's chest.

"Oh my she is a little sunshine." Hoseok spoke and was about to scream but yoongi pressed his palm over the male's lips.

"Shhh, she will wake up." Yoongi spoke looking at the little girl with adoring eyes.

"Let us see her too." Namjoon spoke surprising others by his excited tone, he gasped as he stared at the baby girl.

"She resembles you so much, oh she so small." Namjoon spoke caressing her fluffy cheeks with his finger.

"Can I carry her?" Namjoon asked blinking his eyes, Jungkook smiled and was about to handle him the baby but Jin stopped him.

"Don't, you will drop her." Jin spoke sternly, namjoon pouted but still nodded knowing how careless he is.

"I just I believe she is real." Jin spoke staring at her fondly.

"Me neither, she feels a dream." Jungkook spoke rocking the girl in his arms, he looked up at his father who was staring at him and the girl with fond eyes from a distance.

With a soft smile on his face Jungkook walked towards Hanuel. He forwarded his daughter towards his father, the male took his granddaughter in his arms, a low sob leaving from his lips.

"My baby... She is so adorable." Hanuel muttured holding so much love in his eyes as he stared at his beauty grand daughter, he can't help but place a small peck on her forehead. Jungkook looked at his father with fond eyes, as he saw how much his father already loves and adores his daughter.

"Let me hold her too." Nami said taking the princees of Jungkook in her hands. One by one everyone took the baby in their arms, staring her in awe. Just namjoon didn't held her but just stared at her from a distance. Jungkook felt bad seeing the sadness the older male had in his eyes. He took the girl back in his arms and forwarded it to namjoon who shook his head.

"I trust you hyung." Jungkook spoke with an assuring and encouraging smile, namjoon gulped as he took the girl in his arms. His eyes went wide as she snugged in his chest.

"She likes me." He muttured with a wide smile that showed his dimple.

"Hmm she likes you." Jin spoke caressing namjoon's arms.

"Thank you so much dad." Hanuel looked at Jungkook who had his eyes casted down, Hanuel frowned.

"Why thank you son?" He asked, with teary eyes Jungkook looked up at him.

"Thank you for marrying me with Taehyung, thank you for making sure I don't cheat on that precious soul, thank you for letting me see this moment, thank you for not disowning me and thank you sooo much for pulling me back on a right path that lead me to this day. You are the best dad." Hanuel can't help but feel his chest raising his pride, he felt his heart being warm by his son's words.

"Don't thank me, it's my right and job to make sure my son gets all the right and best things in his life. I did what I should, now make sure you never waste a single minute on any useless things. Make sure to let tae know how much you love him and shower your daughter with love and care. I believe you will be bestest father, more good father then me." Hanuel spoke patting Jungkook's back who nodded vigoursly with happy tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Kook she is awake, come see her eyes are excatly like you." Yeri called her son in law who was quick to get near her, his lips parted in awe as the girl stared at him with her wide doe eyes. He took her in his arms, she was trying to move her hands. Jungkook chuckled at how she was trying to get her hands out of the blanket. He just adjusted the soft blanket so she won't be cold by the atmosphere.

"Mr Jeon, your husband is awake. You can meet him." A nurse informed making Jungkook to smile wide showing his bunny teeths, he bowed slightly to her and looked at their family. They all have him an encouraging nod, he smiled and walked in the room tae was with their daughter in his arms.


The end.

There will be one special chapter and this story will end....I am sad yet excited for my new story tell me your thoughts about it...

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Thanks for reading....

Stay tuned cutiesssssssss....

Author 😘😘😘😘😘

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