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I just saw that this story got #1 in topjungkook in 4.95k stories.... Damn, I am feeling overwhelmed. Thank you so much for showering it with so much love, I can't thank enough you all for your support and love.🥹🥹🥹🥹♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍😍

Double update...

Taekook were sitting in the doctor's cabin waiting patiently for the doctor to arrive and tell them about tae's reports. As tae promised he didn't troubled Jungkook for coming to hospital, but he did cries aloud when the doctor was taking his blood sample for a blood test.

Still Jungkook can understand this and so he just held tae's other hand rubbing his back softly. The two looked at their family doctor who sat on his chair in front of them. The male had a deep frown on his forehead worrying the couple in front of him.

"Is everything ok mr Lee?" Jungkook asked the doctor sighed placing the reports on the desk.

"Jungkook, it may seem a bit difficult for both of you to digest but---." The male stopped making the couple anixous.

"But what mr Lee?" Tae asked holding jungkook's hand tightly.

"But according to your reports you are pregnant." He spoke looking at the two just stared at him blankly.

" Mr lee please tell us the truth." Jungkook spoke, mr Lee sighed again.

"This is the truth, Taehyung is pregnant and all that are mood swings." The doctor informed.

"But how is it possible?, I am a boy." Tae asked.

"Listen, I know this is something very new to you both but it's real. There are many male's who have the capability of getting pregnant, they are rare but special. You are one of them, there are many doctors who handle this case of male pregnancy. My cousin is one of them, here it's her card I will tell her about you both. She will clear everything about it to you and tell you what you have to do and don't." Mr lee spoke softly handling Jungkook a visiting card.

Taekook looked at eachother and sighed again, they bowed and thanked the doctor as they walked out of his cabin.

"Should we go there now?" Jungkook asked looking at tae who seemed silent. The male just hummed and nodded his head. Jungkook sighed as they both went to the parking area.


"I am very nervous?" Tae spoke gripping on jungkook's hand who himself was hella nervous more worried. They both were sitting in ms irene's office who is mr lee's cousin. She has taken urine and blood of tae for some tests and now they were waiting for it's report.

"Don't worry, everything will be ok, I am here." Jungkook spoke side hugging tae rubbing his palm over tae's shoulder to less tae's nervousness.

"Sorry it took a bit more time. So congratulations, you are pregnant." Irene spoke sitting on her chair, taekook didn't knew if they should be happy or worried the news was way too sudden and shocking for them.

"How-- how many weeks?" Tae shuttured.

"Do you mean how many weeks pregnant are you?" She asked softly.

Tae just nodded his head.

"4 weeks, that means you are a month pregnant." She spoke, Jungkook held tae's hand harder as he stared at her with wide eyes.

"Is it possible? I mean ??" Irene smiled at the question, she have been dealing with the same type of situations for years. She then explained the possibility of male pregnancy that left the two stunned.

"But it won't bring any danger to him right?" Jungkook asked scared of losing tae. Irene shook her head.

"Don't worry, he will be a bit weak and moody. But if you will take care of him properly he and the baby will be all fine." Jungkook gulped and nodded understanding he have to take care of tae more then he is already doing.

"Do you wanna see it, as it's been a month you can see it in sonography and maybe you will be able to hear the heart beats too." Irene asked, taekook looked at each other and nodded their head. She lead them to the sonography area, tae layed on the bed rolling his shirt till his chest.

He held Jungkook's hands who was excited yet nervous for what was coming next. Tae hissed at the cold feeling when Irene applied a gel on his stomach. She started to move the device over tae's tummy and smiled looking at the small ball like thing moving on the screen.

"Look this... Can you see this, it's the baby." She spoke pointing on the screen, with teary eyes the two stared at the screen seeing their baby moving and looking like a small ball.

"It's so small." Tae spoke, Jungkook hummed.

"So small, just like a gem, Our gem." Jungkook muttured caressing tae's hands, tears dropped from their eyes as they felt numerous emotions in their body.

"The heart beat is very low, it is still not that audible. But I guess till the end of the 2 month you can hear the heart beats. Want me to print this picture?" Irene spoke, Jungkook nodded his head furiously eyes still fixed on the screen infront.

Irene smiled and went to print out the picture, Jungkook helped tae to get up and stand on the floor. They again sat infront of irene's desk.

"Taehyung have to visit me every month, this are some medicines. Jungkook you have to be very careful with his diet, he should always eat healthy food make sure to be hydrated, make sure he avoids papaya, and almost all the food that are prohibited in pregnancy. Taehyung you have to take less stress if possible try to be stress free, don't over work yourself, make sure don't jump, or run over stairs, it's better if you will take slow steps on the stairs.

The 5 months of start will be very difficult you may get morning sickness and you can get extra hungry. Jungkook you have to handle his crazy mood swings and make sure he don't cry way too much. One thing in between if you feel any pain in you tummy, call me immediately. This pregnancy is rear and you both have to make sure to take care." Irene instructioned, Jungkook heard everything making mental notes.

Irene even gave some written tips, do's and don'ts list. The two thanked her and went to their car. Jungkook glanced at tae who was staring at a space as they sat in the car. Jungkook didn't knew if tae had taken this news for good or bad, cause tae haven't reacted much.

"Love." Jungkook called softly, tae looked at Jungkook with tear filled eyes making the me worried.

"What happened bub?" Jungkook asked, tae spoke nothing as he crawled near Jungkook and sat on his lap, Jungkook helped him to get comfortable.

Sitting comfortablely on his husband's lap, tae hugged Jungkook tightly. The now blue haired male spoke nothing just wrapped his arms around his love and let the red haired male hug him as much as he want.

"I---i am soo happy kookie." Tae spoke sniffing in jungkook's arms who smiled at tae's words.

"I am happy too my love." Jungkook spoke caressed tae's hair with teary eyes.

"Kookie...our baby." Tae spoke as he backed away and placed his one palm over his flat stomach.

"Hmm, our baby. Our flesh, the symbol of our love my love." Jungkook spoke placing his hands over tae's as the two cried in happiness. The emotions they have can never be explained in words.


To be continue...

Now what do you think their families reaction will be???

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss...

Author 😘😘😘

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