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Several bottles of banana milk were placed on a steel bench, the night was young,  stars shining in the sky, two males sitting on the same steel bench. One-one bottle held by both of them, with a straw between their lips that was inside the bottle. The two sipped the sweet milk and hummed.

"It's good." The silver haired spoke looking at the half empty bottle.

"I know, it's the best drink---"

"But strawberry milk is better." The silver haired cut off his husband who shut his eyes sighing loudly.

"You could have just let me complete my words." Jungkook spoke as he looked at tae, and it would be an understatement if we say he wasn't mesmerized by the glowing beauty sitting next to him.

Taehyung silver hair shined under the dim street light, the reflection of stars in his eyes making the Bambi eyes look like they held galaxies in it, the soft pink lips having a straw between made him look like a baby.

"I can't agree with that." Taehyung's deep yet soothing voice snapped Jungkook out of his daze he immediately looked at the dark stary sky, gulping down the banana milk.

"Can't agree on what?" Jungkook asked, this time not glancing at tae.

"Can't agree that banana milk is the best drink." Tae spoke with a shrug, Jungkook just rolled his eyes. What else would he expect from tae any ways.

" Thank god we left from there, I was feeling so suffocated breathing in the same air with those cheaters." Tae spoke after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, right. But I didn't understand two thing, why was the two calling you poor and begger. And why was that Choi so shocked when you replied to somi?" Jungkook asked, tae chuckled at the questions.

"So for the first question you asked, I never have let hyunjin know I belongs to a rich family, I wanted someone to love me for me not for my money. And I really thought he loved me for who I am, I was going to tell him about my family but he decided to cheat. Second I have never talked like that in front of hyunjin which may have surprised him." Tae spoke taking a sip from the banana milk.

"But why you never spoke like that in front of him?" Jungkook asked tilting his head.

"Cause I was afraid, I never really go all sassy in front of those whom I am afraid to lose. Not like I am not sassy in front of my family, I know no matter how I am my family is going to love me. But hyunjin, I really found him when I almost had no friends, or the one I had were all fake ones. So I didn't wanted to leave me cause of my mouth, you know he may not like that nature of mine. But guess the one who is going to leave you, will find any way to leave you." Tae spoke with a dry chuckle, Jungkook felt pain in tae's voice.

Now that he recalled namjoon's words he understood the male was right, tae would pretend to be all happy even tho he is not.

"But you were always sassy around me. Aren't you afraid I would leave you as well? Or don't you think I would be hurt by those sassy replies of yours?" Jungkook asked looking at tae, who looked back at him and shook his head.

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"Cause to get hurt by a stranger you should have that heart. A person who ignored a stranger crying badly in front of him, infact giving him support you blamed him and shouted can never have a heart to get hurt by a stranger. Secondly, if I am being sassy with you now. You aren't going to leave me cause you are stuck with me, so I ain't afraid of any of this." Tae spoke, there was a disappointment in tae's eyes as he talked about the crying part.

Jungkook felt guilty as well, cause yes. He shouldn't have left like that, he shouldn't have shouted on tae even after knowing it wasn't the silver haired's fault.

"I am sorry for that rude behaviour of mine. I wasn't in my own senses and ranted my all anger on you." Jungkook spoke with a guilty tone.

"Its fine, I can understand it." Tae spoke waving his hands.

"But, don't think of being rude to me now, or I will punch you." Tae spoke as he moved his fisted hand near Jungkook's face but stopped near his jaw.

Jungkook was stunned for a second but laughed when tae made a "phew" sound.

"I am really scared to be rude to you now. But yeah the answers you gave to that bitch, I loved it." Jungkook spoke with a wink, tae with a proud grin flipped his imaginory hair.

"I wanted to beat her, but you know. I didn't wanted the morning news to be ' Mr jeon's husband is so mean. He should divorce him, or better give him to a mental hospital.' You know how media waist for spices." Tae spoke, Jungkook hummed nodding as he agreed.

"But really, I wish we could take revenge from them." Jungkook spoke as he gulped the whole bottle in once.

"And who said we can't." Tae asked titling his head, Jungkook looked at him with narrow eyes but a known smile came on his lips when tae winked at him.

"I have a great idea, let's take our revenge and tell them with whom they have messed." Tae spoke with a smirk, Jungkook nodded with the same smirk on his face.

"What's the plan by the way?" Jungkook asked as they both got up, took their coats and walked to their car.

"I will tell you that tomorrow. Ohby the way, you are joining the office from tomorrow right?" Tae asked as the two got inside the car.

"Yeah dad said you would join the office too?" Jungkook spoke.

"Yeah, Kim's and jeon's are collaborating. The head quarters of Kim's would be in jeon's now, I am now your business partner along with your life partner." Tae spoke with a wide boxy smile, that made Jungkook's heart to race in his chest.

Tae's smile somehow made his heart calm yet it raced. A wide bunny smile spread on jungkook's lips making tae giggle.

"Your smile is so cute, just like a bunny." Tae spoke, Jungkook huffed and started the engine.

"Don't call me bunny." He spoke.

"Why a bunny should be called a bunny." Tae spoke, and this talks continued till they reach home.


To be continue...

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