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The next morning.

The sun shined brightly, lightening the Seoul city. Birds criping on the tree branches, the sunlight peeked from the shut curtains, distrubing a male's sleep. His handsome face shining cause of the sunlight, with a frown between his eyebrows, a small pout on his soft lips, soft cheeks pressed against the sheets.

The handsome male groaned loudly as his alarm went off, moving his hand mindlessly over the night stand he grabbed his phone and switched off the alarm. With a soft yawn he sat up on the bed, his raven hair going all ways, eyes slightly opened.

The male looked around the room understanding where he was, a sigh left his lips when he remembered all the events that happened yesterday.

"I am married." He mumbled to himself but frowned when he didn't found the one he got married to in the room.

"Where is Taehyung?" He asked to no one but himself, scratching his head he stepped on the floor.

"Are you inside Taehyung.?" Jungkook asked knocking on the bathroom softly, reciving no reply he held the knob and pushed the door open just to frown more when he saw the bathroom was empty.

Wearing his slippers he walked out of the room, eyes roaming all over the living room as he stood at the small balcony near the stairs but the silver head was no where to be found.

"Taehyung." He called stepping down the stairs, Jungkook heard soft humming sound coming from his right.

Thinking tae would be there he walked to the direction and ended up inside the kitchen. He sighed when he saw tae sitting on a chair with head phones over his ears, a cup in his hand as he hummed whatever he was listening.

Jungkook walked near him and stood there waiting for tae to notice him, but when he hadn't been noticed. Jungkook removed the head phones from tae's ears making tae look at him.

"What the--- ." Tae stopped as he saw Jungkook's face, tae pressed his lips to not giggle but as soon as Jungkook raised his eyebrows tae giggled loudly.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Jungkook asked tilting his head making tae giggle more.

"Why are you roaming around being a birds nest." Tae asked between his giggles making Jungkook make a 'are you serious' look

"Birds nest? What are you spouting?" Jungkook asked.

"Jungkook look at your hair, it's sticking out in all direction." Tae spoke pointing at the raven hair making Jungkook roll his eyes.

"Everyone looks like this when he wake up." Jungkook reasoned out with a shrug.

"You would look same every morning." Jungkook spoke again, but tae shook his head.

"Naah, I look beautiful even after waking up." Tae spoke flipping his imaginary hair, Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"But you know, you look like a drunk--"

"Don't. Don't you dare complete that word." Jungkook warned making tae laugh loudly.

"You look like a drunk man." Tae spoke and laughed more, while Jungkook gave him a blank look.

"Why do you think I look like a drunk man?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't think, you actually look like a drunk man." Tae spoke as if he was stating some facts.

"Ahh, and you look like a...." Jungkook trailed off not getting a correct example to tae with.

"You look like a foil paper, silver and shinny." Jungkook spoke and grinned when tae's smile dropped.

"Did you just called me a foil paper, you drunk man." Tae spoke throwing draggers to Jungkook who just shrugged.

"Just speaking facts, and please make me a cup of coffee. I will come brushing my teeths." Jungkook spoke.

"I ain't your slave, if you want me to make something for you. Ask politely." Tae spoke as he sipped the hot chocolate.

"Please make coffee for me." Jungkook mumbled.

"I can't hear you." Tae spoke making Jungkook sigh.

"I said jeon Taehyung please make coffee for you husband Jeon jungkook." Jungkook spoke with a tight lipped smiled tae frown even tho he felt butterflies in his stomach with the word Jeon before his name.

"Are you asking or giving order?" Tae asked with a raised eyebrow, Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Tae, pretty pretty, please make me a cup of coffee." Jungkook spoke blinking his eyes cutely making tae coe at him.

"Awww, why not you didn't have to say please. I would have made coffee for you without even saying it." Tae spoke pinching jungkook's cheeks who stared at him with a boring look.

"I am going to get freshen up." Jungkook spoke and walked out making tae chuckle and make coffee for Jungkook.


To be continue...

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I know it's a short chapter, but I have to do a double update of Romeo Juliet no taekook'story so...

Thanks for reading...

Stay tuned cutiesssssssss...

Author 😘😘😘😘

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