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A week later...

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND HIM? WHY THE HELL YOU LET HIM GO FROM HERE AT THE FIRST PLACE." The highest officers shouted at the others who let hyujin go a week ago.

"Sir, we thought he would be back after 48 hours." The male who had uncuffed hyunjin's cuffs spoke with his head hung low.

"Wow!!! From where have you taken the police training, who the hell tells that criminals will walk back to the prison after having a chance to run away. God, do you have a slight idea how dangerous that man is. He had shot Taehyung just some hours after he was released, god knows what he is planning now." The male spoke gripping his hair, the whole police force was trying to find hyujin who went missing. No one knows where the male had disappeared, he haven't left the country yet, nor he has left Seoul.

Clicks of shoes was heard in the dead silent room. The highest officer looked up and was surprised to see the male standing in front of him.

"Jeon?" The officer muttured.

"Officer HSP Jeon jungkook reporting sir." Jungkook spoke saluting the male who saluted him back, still not understanding why the raven was here cause he was now off duty.

"What are you doing here Jungkook?" The officer asked.

"I want to work for the last time as an officer. I want to work and find hyujin, I want him to suffer. I will do the investigation and find him at any cost. Let me be the part of this mission for the last time." Jungkook spoke with determination in his eyes, the officer stared at him and shook his head.

"No Jungkook, tae is already shot. Hyujin would surely wants to hurt the best. I can't let you put your life in danger, you have already resigned as the police that's another reason." The male spoke making Jungkook to take a deep breath.

"Please, that bastard had dared to hurt my tae. And I want to make him suffer, I can't just sit in a room when I can do many things. Let me just handle this last mission, I will never ever return as a police officer again." Jungkook spoke, the male thought for a while.

"Fine, I will let you be the head of this mission. But I have a condition." The officer spoke Jungkook stared at him for the male to continue.

"Kill him the moment you catch him, I don't want him to be alive anymore. It's very easy for him to get out of the prison again, so just kill him. I will declare his death as an encounter." The officer spoke, Jungkook smiled a little as he gave him a nod.

"Jennie, and 5 best officers of the police force will help you with this mission, best of luck son. I know you will be able to do this." The male spoke patting Jungkook's back who gave the male an assuring smile.


Jungkook was staring at tae who was still unconscious, it's been a week and there's no trace of the Balck haired to wake any time. Every one from their family comes here from time to time, to meet the two. They bring food for Jungkook who barely leaves the hospital. He is doing his office work here as well, cause it has to be done.

"Mr Jeon." The senior nurse who is taking care of tae's medicine and all called the male, who hummed and looked at her.

"It's time for me to sponge his body, would be staying here or..." The nurse asked, Jungkook never stays inside the room when the nurse sponge tae's body. The nurse even asked him to do it as he is tae's husband, but he decline as tae may not be still comfortable if the raven sees his body.

" I will stay out." Jungkook spoke as he took his laptop and walked out, the raven sat on a steel bench near the room and started to get the information and all about hyujin and his family once again.

"Kim Jennie reporting sir." Jungkook looked up when he heard the voice.

"Did you find everything about his father?" Jungkook asked in a professional tone.

"Yes sir his father is more evil and wicked then him. Mr lee is the one who had taken hyujin out of the prison as Minhyuk ordered him, mr Lee didn't wanted to but Minhyuk had threatened him of...of harming his family and raping his wife that made mr Lee to get hyujin out." Jennie told, Jungkook hummed.

"Where is mr Lee, and Minhyuk currently?" He asked.

"Mr Lee has been locked in his house, cause he was trying to get his wife out of Minhyuk's mansion." Jennie informed.

"Does it mean Mrs Lee is still in Minhyuk's mansion?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, he has locked her in his mansion. And according to our spy's, he is going to force her in to sex soon." Jennie spoke.

"Hmm, get all the proves against him, we will catch him red handed." Jungkook spoke, Jennie nodded as with a salute she left from there. The nurse walked out from the room telling Jungkook that he can go back as her work is done.

"It's been a week, when are you planning to wake?" Jungkook asked holding tae's hand sitting on a small stool near the bed.

"Come on tae, you had asked me to come to you when I get the message. I am here right next to you from a week, why aren't you saying anything." Jungkook spoke gripping tae's hand more as tears startéd to gather in his eyes again.

"You said that I will regret if you stop talking, I will beg you to speak to me right? I am begging, please please wake up. Speak something, tease me, fighting with me, tell me that I look like a drunk man, plea-se spea-k." Jungkook cried silently as even after begging he just go no response from other.

"Taeeee.... Get up already, what...what should I do to make you open your eyes?" Jungkook asked.

"What should I do? I am...I am feeling so helpeless, you now hyujin is nowhere to be found. I am thinking of arresting his father to get him out of his hidden place, am I doing right? Tell me tae am I doing right, or should I work more on my plan?" Jungkook asked, but again no response.

"Taeeeee, I am getting angry now. You know I will...will never talk to you if you won't open your eyes now. Baby, is it how you want me to call you? Should I call you with sweet names, will you speak then?" Jungkook asked caressing tae's hands softly.

"How long will it take me to hear you again, I am regret saying that I will find peace if you will be quite, I was wrong when I said my ears will be blessed if you went quite for some times. I was wrong." Jungkook sobbed hugging tae's hand.

" I can't find peace, I am not able to eat anything, I am not able to sleep. I want to eat while bickering with you, I want to sleep with you in my arms. Please, have some mercy on me. Wake up, bless your husband by your voice. I wanna hear y-ou." Jungkook just sobbed as he comaplied to tae how he desperately wants to hear tae's voice. But all he got was silence from his husband who laid on the bed numb, just tears fell from tae's eyes as he heard each and every word spoken by his bunny. But he wasn't able to open his eyes, he body wasn't in his control.

Jeon's, Kim's and min's heard all the words Jungkook spoke to tae, they thought to go together and see if the two are ok or not. But they all were in tears as they heard the heart breaking words. The shaken, broken voice of Jungkook made all of them to shed tears, they all can't even imagine how much in pain Jungkook was. By his time, by the tears rolling down on his cheeks, by his heart breaking sobs it was clear the male loves tae more than anything, and want nothing except tae now.

But they can't do anything, none of them can do. It's all on fate and god's hand, they can just wish and hope for tae to open his eyes soon. Hanuel didn't knew if he should be proud or be sad seeing his son in this condition.

Hanuel had never seen Jungkook crying this much, he never let anyone see his vulnerable side. And here Jungkook was begging, crying for tae to wake up, and talk to him. The pain was too visible in jungkook's voice, Hanuel wanted to take that pain away but he knew he can't...


To be continue...

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