21 ; who is at the ending all of this year's parties party?

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Jaemin and Jeno walked up the steps to Ten's door, the latter pausing before ringing the doorbell. "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" Jaemin asked, grazing his fingers over the back of Jeno's hand.

Jeno nodded, staring at the door again. "Yeah. It's just our friends, after all." He held onto Jaemin's hand briefly, squeezing it.

"Okay, lovebirds." The couple turned around to see Chenle and Jisung walking up behind them. "Pack it up, guys. You have to do the announcement before you hold hands."

"Do we?" Jeno intertwined his and Jaemin's fingers, ringing the doorbell.

Jisung only scoffed at them, with the door opening before he could say anything. Johnny was the one who answered, Mark dangling off of his arm. "You two look young, queer, and in love."

"I guess you could say that." Jeno smiled. "I could say the same about you."

Johnny chuckled lightly, casing a glance at Mark. Mark caught his eye, pecking him on the lips briefly.

Jaemin looked between the two of them. "Okay, bi king and random straight guy."

"Shut up," Mark whined.

"Are you guys going to move anytime soon?" an impatient Jisung asked from behind the group, reminding them of his and Chenle's presence.

"Right." Johnny stepped aside, urging Jaemin and Jeno to enter, followed closely by Jisung and Chenle.

Mark trailed behind the first couple. "Your grand announcement will have to wait for a little bit. I already told Ten you had something to say. You as in Jeno, by the way."

"How great," Jeno groaned.

Jaemin caught this quickly, concern settling over his face. "Do you... not want to do this anymore? We don't have to if you don't want to."

"No," Jeno said, pressing his lips together. "No, I want to do this. Remember what I told you?"

Jaemin nodded. It still rang in his head. Jeno wanted people to know that Jaemin was his. What Jeno seemed to have not accounted for in the "people" is how many he actually knew.

Much like Chenle's slumber party, Ten's party was being held in his basement. Jeno and Jaemin descended the stairs after a brief pep talk to each other, not knowing what to expect.

"There they are!" Ten cheered, turning all the heads in the room to the two of them. God, Jaemin sometimes forgot how flamboyant Ten was. "The men of the hour."

Everyone was accounted for; Jeno made sure to count everyone. He dropped Jaemin's hands to wipe his sweaty palms off on his jeans. "Um, I wasn't expecting this."

"Might as well get it over with," Johnny said from where he suddenly was in the crowd, shrugging.

It was a little too quiet for both Jeno and Jaemin's liking. Nevertheless, they had an opportunity. "Okay," Jeno exhaled. "I had something that I wanted to post about, but I figured– we figured we should tell you guys first because... y'know, you're all our friends."

"Though the Dreamies already know," Jaemin murmured.

Eyebrows rose on many faces, awaiting the words. Jeno locked on to the face in the front of the clump. Mark, Johnny, Kun, Ten, Lucas, Kunhang, Yangyang, Dejun, Chenle, and Jisung. Maybe he didn't know all of them well, but he still considered all of them friends, whether some be closer than others. These were people he could trust. Besides, after tonight, the secret would be out anyways.

"Right." Jeno sighed. "Um, I'm bi, and I'm dating Jaemin."

Ten snorted. "Tell us some real news."

Kun smacked Ten on the arm, and the younger hissed. "Ow! What?"

"Be nice," Kun whispered.

"I am being nice! But I'm just saying that we shoul– Kun do not pout at me it makes me feel uncomfortable– why are you still pouting I swear to god if you start doing aegy– Kun that is so disgusting you need to lea–"

"Do you get my point?"

"Unfortunately." Ten couldn't help but get in one last jab. "But they did walk in holding hands, so what else was I supposed to know?"


The slightly serious atmosphere dissipated at that, pulling the spotlight off of Jaemin and Jeno. The former sighed, resting his head against his boyfriend's shoulder.

"And that was the easier part," he muttered.

"Sort of," Jeno sighed, stumbling down the remaining steps. "Somehow I thought that would be worse."

Jaemin crossed his arms, standing up straight. "We're in a room of queer people. Everyone in this room likes boys in some way, minus Taeil."

"Yeah," Jeno accepted. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Well, if anything, the online response."


If anything, Jeno was afraid of that.

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