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Jungkook P.O.V

I was putting the last of dinner on the plates while calling Tae over. We've been together for about three years. "Tae?" I call for him again. It was pouring outside and he still hadn't responded. When I walk into our shared room, I find him with his back turned to me.

"Hyung? Come eat dinner, it's ready." He doesn't move. "What's wrong?" I ask while climbing onto the bed. "Tell me, please," I say with a whine in my voice. Then, I heard a sniffle. "Are you crying?" I forcefully turn him over. His eyes were red and he wasn't making eye contact with me.

"Why're are you crying?" Still, he didn't answer. I sigh and look away from him. Then, he speaks up. "Honey, it's our anniversary today." I nod. "I know, that's why I made something special for you." He just looks at me and says, "Did we even share a kiss? Did you even let me get much closer than this? Sure we gave each other a small hug, but I miss your lips. We haven't kissed in such a long time!"

Though it was true, I wasn't expecting him to get up and try to get out. I stopped him. "Look, I'm sorry-" Before I could finish, he pushed me away. We've had our fights, but over tiny things. This one was like one never before. Tae opens the door and I walk out after him

He starts walking out when he slips and falls backwards. Before I can catch him, he falls, hitting his head. There's blood everywhere. I don't know what to do. With my hands shaking, I search for my phone in my pockets. When I find my phone, I call an ambulance. Then, the first person I call is Seokjin hyung, thinking he'll know what to do after they get Tae to the hospital. When he doesn't answer, I tried Namjoon hyung. Still no answer. Then, I remember that they said they would leave us alone for the day, letting us have the day all to ourselves.

After waiting for a minute or two, the ambulance comes and I tell them what happened. I keep trying to call the hyungs, but none of them pick up. Then, I was just about to go to one of their houses, when Hoseok hyung calls me.

"Jungkook, why'd you call me about fifteen times?" He asks. When he says that, I just burst into tears, curling up outside the house in front of the door. It startles him and says, "I'm coming, wait." With that, he hung up and I just kept crying. I bury my head between my knees and put my hood up to cover my face.

After about twenty minutes, Hobi hyung arrives with Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung. "Jungkook," Hobi says in a small voice. "What happened here?" He asks looking at the now disappearing puddle of blood. It just makes me cry harder. Jimin and Yoongi say nothing, but then Hobi gets on the phone with someone and says, "Get over here, now." I can tell he's speaking with Seokjin hyung. "Oh, and tell Namjoonie to come too," he says. Then, he puts his phone away and says, "Jungkookie, tell me, what happened?"

"He fell, hyung." He looks at me confused. "Who fell." Now, I look at him. "The one person who I promised that I would take care of, no matter what happens to me. Even if he's older than me. The one person that would care for me, forgive me no matter what I did. And the one person who isn't here, or coming here, right now." Still, he looks confused. "Hoseok, he means Taehyung," Yoongi hyung said.

Then, Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung comes. Yoongi explains what happenes and Hobi tries to get me to stop crying. Jimin just stands there, staring at the place where Tae slipped. They manage to get me inside, when the hospital calls me.

They tell me that Taehyung has slipped into a coma and that they're doing their best to keep him alive, but that they're not sure if he's gonna make it out. The news makes my eyes glossy again. When I say nothing, they hang up and I stare at the wall blankly.

"He's in a coma," I say. "They're not sure when, or if, he's gonna wake up." "Alright then," Namjoon hyung speaks up. "Let's go." He gets up and walks towards the door. It's still raining, harder than before. We all look at him confused. Then, Yoongi gets it and says, "The hospital." Then, holding Jimin's hand, he also gets up and walks to stand next to Namjoon.

"What're you waiting for," Seokjin says looking at me. I sigh and stand up. After driving for what felt like the worst time of my life, we get to the hospital. They allow us to see Taehyung. I wasn't sure what to see, but certainly not what I did see.

When I walked into the room, I saw Taehyung with a bandage around his head, a big red spot coming from the back. He was hooked up to so many different machines and there were wires and tubes coming out of him. The monitor that was showing his heart beat was steady, and his breathing was calm.

I sat down and I could tell the others were watching me as I put my elbows onto the bed and bury my face unto my hands. "I-I'm sorry, T-t-taehyungie h-hyung. I-I-I didn't m-mean t-t-to hurt y-you." I say in between the sobs. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Jimin hyung. "Jungkook, it's not your fault that he slipped."

Then, Yoongi says, "Plus he can't hear you, so." "I know he can't hear me, but it is my fault. If he hadn't gone out in such a rush, maybe he wouldn't have slipped. Maybe if I had kissed him more often, he wouldn't have tried to leave. Maybe if I had done something just anything different, he might not've slipped."

After staying there for about the next thirty minutes, Jimin hyung says, "Jungkook, let's go now." "Why?" I ask without looking at him. "Because we have to, now let's go." I get up and follow the others. I return home and want to cry silently for the rest of my life until Taehyung wakes up.

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