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Jungkook's P.O.V

As Hobi hyung goes and opens the door, I obey what he says and I sit there, waiting for him to come back. I hear a voice and hyung saying something, but I don't really understand. Then, I hear another voice and I can immediately tell that it's Namjoon hyung. Which means that the other must be Jin hyung.

"Jungkook, it's Namjoon and Jin hyung!" I feel a small smile growing on my face. I walk over to Hobi hyung and greet the two. "You can come in, I say." "Thanks," Jin says and the two come inside. 

"Why'd you come?" I ask them. "Well, we just wanted to check on you, because we haven't heard from you in a while and the last thing we heard about Tae was what he remembered." Namjoon says with a small frown.

"Oh, well, it's okay. At least he's getting his memory back." I say, cheering them both up a bit. Neither Hobi hyung nor I say anything about what I had said before they arrived. I'm thankful that he didn't. Truly, I didn't anyone knowing about this, but I guess...I just need someone to talk to.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Jimin had fallen asleep and I cleaned us both off. I haven't felt like that in a LOOONG time. Even so, nothing I had done felt right, like I wasn't meant to do this with him. I wasn't too tired, so I put on some clothes and did my best to cover Jimin up, but I could only get boxers and an over-sized shirt on him.

Once I thought everything was okay, I snuggled up next to Jimin and fell asleep.

Two Hours Later

I woke up due to the sudden coldness and emptiness next to me. Once I opened my eyes, I noticed that Jimin had left. I heard water running in the bathroom, so I'm guessing that he went to take a shower.

While I waited for him, I noticed something on the night stand. A picture-of Jimin-and...


Well, I guess this is what happens when you lose your memory. I'm not dating Jimin, am I? Then who am I dating? Am I even dating anyone?

"Jimin!!" I yell so that he can hear me. The water stops running and he says back, "Tae, you don't have to yell, I'm coming out." "Mmk" I wait a few more minutes before he comes out, hair still wet and in baggy clothes.

"So, what were you saying?" he asks. I snap back into reality and look at him. "Umm, the picture - on the night stand," He looks at me confused. "The one of you and Yoongi hyung." His eyes widen and it looks like he's internally cursing at himself for not hiding it from me. 

"About that-" "No, it's okay, but tell me, am I dating anyone?" He stops for a moment. "Sorry, Tae. You know what the doctor said." I pout. "Pleease Hyung, just this one thing?" He shakes his head. 

"Nope, I've already told you one thing about the many things that you've forgotten." I sigh. " Fine, I'll leave then." He stops fixing the bed and looks at me surprised. "Where are you gonna go?" I shrug. 

"Maybe I'll book a hotel or I don't know." Then, Jimin smiles. "Maybe, you could stay with Jungkook." UUUMMM. "Umm, maybe-" Too late. Jimin was already caling Jungkook and saying, 


Then, Jungkook was saying something.

"Well because he saw the picture of me and Yoongi that's sitting on our night stand."

Jungkook says something again. 

"Okay, bye..."

I'm really going, aren't I.

"Tae, get your things, I'm gonna drop you off at Jungkook's place!" I'm shook. "WaitwhatJiminIneveragreedtothispleasedon'tmakemedothisJIMINPLEASE!" The words shoot out of my mouth. 

"Too late." he says. Then, another voice says, "Besides, do you wanna sleep on the couch and be third-wheeled while me and Jimin are having fun?" I turn around to find Yoongi standing at the door. Wow, we didn't even hear him come in.

"YOOONNNGGGIIIII!!!!!!" So, Jungkook's house it is. I guess Yoongi hyung noticed something was wrong, as he got Jimin to stop clinging to him and said, "Did you two have a fuck?" Shit we're dead. 

Jimin's smile drops. "Ummmm...." Yoongi looks at him and gives him a smirk. "Maybe I'll have to punish you baby boy"

At this point, I was pleading that they don't start making out. Clearly, I was not heard correctly. As I stand there and look at them, not knowing what to do, I had a sudden memory come back to me.

Jungkook, on top of me. Moaning, saying something. "Mmm, Tae you're so tight, god."

"Kookie-please" I moan again "Not yet slut you're gonna wait for me." He keeps going and I'm just moaning, having no way to fight him. "Okay, you can-" I had cummed all over him and he filled me up.

What I hadn't noticed is that as I got that memory back, I was letting out small moan-like sounds from my mouth. "Tae-are you okay?" I snap out of the memory. "Umm-" Yoongi turn to me. "Did you remember something hot ?" I blush, look down, and nod .

"Hyung, am I-or was I- dating Jungkook?" They both smile widely. "Mmmhhh," Jimin hums as a yes. Still not ready for whatever was coming and still had not grown any feeling for Jungkook, so I would much rather have it stay this way until I get my memory back-if I do get it back.

I packed up all my things and Jimin was waiting for me in the car - with Yoongi. If I was gonna be honest, I would much rather live with Jungkook over living with these two and being a thrid-wheel for the rest of my life.

We were driving to Jungkook's house with Yoongi hyung driving and Jimin flirting with him like they haven't seen each other in five hundred years.

Once we got to Jungkook's, I noticed that we weren't the only ones. The door opened to a smiling Hoseok. "Hey, you guys came" I'm guessing he only saw Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung. "Hobie hyung?" I say just loud enough so that he could hear me.

"Taehyung?" Once the other two moved out of the way, he could see me. "Hyung!" I smile brightly at him. "Tae, you remember anything more?" I blush and nod. "You don't have to tell me about it if it was something like-umm." I look at him. "Thank you, because it was something like that."

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