Tanjiro x guyiu

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Tanjiro had been dreaming of his sister Nezuko before he woke up. She was lying in the garden of their house, the sun shining down on her as if she were a flower. Tanjiro had been amazed by her beauty, and the way her eyes seemed to hold a secret knowledge. But then, in a blink of an eye, the dream transformed into a nightmare. Tanjiro was back in the woods, back in the realm of the demons. He was running, desperately searching for his beloved sister, only to find her lying on the ground, lifeless.

As soon as he awoke, Tanjiro's heart felt like it had been ripped right out of his chest. His grief was so overwhelming that he could hardly breath, and yet, in the midst of all that sadness and pain, something else seemed to stir. Tanjiro felt a strange heat in his chest, and a odd sensation all across his skin. He became aware of a presence beside him, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the mysterious stranger - Guyiu - lying beside him in the bed.

Tanjiro was filled with shock, confusion and barely contained rage. He wanted to lash out, to scream and shout and demand answers, but no words would come. All he could do was sit there and try to process what he was seeing. How had Guyiu gotten here? What did he want with him? Tanjiro's mind raced with questions, but he knew he couldn't stay here. He had to get away from this strange man before things got any worse.

But before he could move, he felt a searing pain in his lower back. He gasped, and for a moment, all his thoughts and feelings were displaced. He noticed the man's hands, his fingers gently but firmly pressing into the muscles of Tanjiro's back. Guyiu seemed to be pushing away the pain, and a wave of calmness and warmth rushed across the young man's body.

He couldn't deny that the sensation was pleasant, but in the face of all that had happened, Tanjiro simply couldn't understand why. What did it all mean? Was Guyiu trying to help him, or was this all part of some sinister plot? As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he shifted away from the man, lifting himself off the bed and scurrying away.

As he stumbled to his feet, Guyiu's intense gaze followed him. He didn't move or say a word, he just watched Tanjiro with an expression that seemed to be filled with regret, as if he was silently pleading for the young man to stay. But Tanjiro didn't want to stay, not here, not with him. He had to find Nezuko, and he had to do it as soon as possible.

So he grabbed his clothes, and with one last, desperate glance back at the man who still lay in bed, Tanjiro made his escape. He ran out of the room, away from the strange man and the strange emotions that he seemed to invoke. He ran until his feet could no longer carry him, until he finally collapsed, exhausted, onto the ground.

He lay there for hours, his body trembling as he tried to make sense of all that had happened. He had known grief and loss before, but this was something else entirely. He had felt a connection with that man, something deep and profoundly powerful, but he knew that he couldn't allow himself to be pulled in any further. He had to stay focused, and find his beloved sister, no matter what the cost.

So, with a heavy heart and a heavy burden, Tanjiro continued on towards his destination, not knowing where he would end up, or how he would ultimately find his way.

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