Tanjiro x Zenitsu

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  The summer sun shone brightly in the sky as Tanjiro and Nezuko made their way down the long dirt road that led to their family's small home in the mountains of Japan. As they trudged along, the heat of the day seemed to evaporate the worries that had been floating around in Tanjiro's head, leaving him feeling calm and content. His little sister, Nezuko, was walking beside him, her tiny hand in his, her long hair flapping in the breeze. Tanjiro looked down at her with affection, his heart swelling with love at the sight of her. She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with joy and excitement at the prospect of returning home. As they rounded the bend in the road, Tanjiro's heart skipped a beat as he saw someone waiting for them at the top of their family's driveway. A tall figure, with unruly hair and piercing eyes, was standing there, arms crossed, a warm smile on his lips. It was Zenitsu, Tanjiro's boyfriend, and his heart soared at the sight of him. They had not seen each other in almost two months, and Tanjiro had missed him terribly. He quickened his step and soon the two were in each other's arms, embracing tightly. Zenitsu kissed him deeply, and Tanjiro felt like all his worries had melted away at his touch. "I missed you so much!" Zenitsu said, his voice filled with emotion. "Me too," Tanjiro replied, his eyes misting with tears of happiness. They stood there, holding one another, until eventually Nezuko's voice broke the spell. "Come on!" She said, tugging at the fabric of Tanjiro's shirt. "Let's go home!" The three of them started walking towards the house, Zenitsu and Tanjiro's hands interlocked. As they approached the front door, Tanjiro could feel his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of excitement and fear coursing through his veins. He had been away from home for a long time, and he was not sure what to expect upon his return. Would his family welcome him back with open arms, or would they be filled with judgement and anger? He did not know, but he was determined to face whatever awaited him with courage and strength. As the three of them entered the house, Tanjiro felt a wave of warmth wash over him. It was not just the heat that he felt, but also the atmosphere of the home itself. It was a place filled with love and comfort, and Tanjiro felt like he had come home. Zenitsu's presence seemed to fill the room with an additional layer of warmth. Tanjiro felt safe and secure with him by his side, and he was grateful for the support that Zenitsu had always been willing to offer. But as much as he wanted to revel in this moment of happiness, Tanjiro could not shake the feeling that something was amiss. There was a tension in the air that he could not quite place, a feeling that something was not quite right. He glanced around the house, his gaze eventually landing on his little sister. Nezuko was standing in the corner, a look of unease on her face. Tanjiro could feel his heart breaking as he saw the fear in her eyes, and he felt a wave of anger directed towards Zenitsu. He had promised to protect them both, and yet here they were, feeling like prey in their own home. Tanjiro's gaze shifted back to Zenitsu, and he could feel his cheeks burn with rage. He stepped closer to his boyfriend, his voice laced with anger as he spoke. "What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice firm and demanding. Zenitsu's face softened, and he looked up at Tanjiro, taking in his expression. He stepped forward, his hands reaching out towards Tanjiro in a gesture of kindness. "I wanted to make sure you and Nezuko were safe," he said, his voice gentle and full of concern. "I wanted to make sure that no one hurts either of you." Tanjiro felt his anger dissipating, and he stepped closer, his arms wrapping around Zenitsu's waist. He held him close, letting out a relieved sigh as he felt his boyfriend's embrace. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice full of emotion. Zenitsu nodded, his eyes filled with love. He kissed Tanjiro softly, and the two shared a moment of passion before finally breaking away. The tension in the room seemed to have dissipated, and Tanjiro felt a sense of peace settling over him. He smiled, glancing over at his little sister. Nezuko was smiling too, all the fear gone from her face. Tanjiro could see the trust and love in her eyes, and his heart warmed at the sight of her. The three of them exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them. They were a family, and they were going to make it through this together.

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