006. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒖𝒎

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Wow and what reasons would you have to kill your non existent girlfriend, Meeks?

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Wow and what reasons would you have to kill your non existent girlfriend, Meeks?

Chapter 006: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒖𝒎


Arriving at the video store, Blair followed Stu inside. The lanky blonde immediately made a beeline for Randy who'd picked up a stack of tapes, Blair couldn't even stop Stu as he childishly ran up to Randy knocking the stack of tapes out of his hands before yelling and giggling loudly "sorry Randy, was too late for me to stop him" Blair told the boy helping to pick them up while Stu leaned against the shelves "really? I thought you'd have him on a leash?"

Blair giggled handing him the tapes "can't put Stu Macher on a leash, isn't that right boy?" Blair said in a high voice acting like she was talking to a dog, Stu pouted childishly "absolutely not"

Stu then looked around "Jesus, this place is packed tonight, man"

"We had a run in the mass murder section" Randy told them putting more tapes away, Blair looked around only to spot Billy speaking with two girls in the murder section- talk about poor fucking taste. "I love a good horror movie like the next person but i think it's a bit soon for all that- Casey and Steves bodies aren't even cold yet!" Blair said laughing slightly earning a heartless giggle from Stu

"Coming to my fiesta?" The blonde asked Randy "yeah, I'm off early. Curfew, you know" Randy replied focused on his job barely looking up at his two friends "cool. Wanna make a bet on Blair not drinking?" Randy looked up at Blair questioningly "you're not drinking?" Blair groaned leaning against the shelves "why does everyone think I'm incapable of drinking?"

Randy scoffed "you didn't get the name party princess for no reason, I'll tell you what, I'll bet on it" the brunette said turning to Stu who grinned then a small blonde girl came up to them "what's that werewolf movie with E.T's mom in it?"

"The howling. Horror. Straight ahead"

"Okay, thanks" the girl said walking away, Randy then caught sight of Billy Loomis standing in the murder section "oh, now that's poor taste" both Stu and Blair followed his line of sight also spotting their friend that was just accused of murder, Blair felt her heart drop the more she stared at her 'friend' "if you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy asked leaning towards the two slightly lowering his tone so Billy wouldn't overhear

"It was a misunderstanding" Blair defended matching Randys tone as they spoke "exactly, he didn't do anything" Stu told him meeting his gaze, Randy shook his head, Blair rolled her eyes already knowing the conspiracy theories Randy was going to project onto them "your such a little lap dog. He's got killer printed all over his forehead"

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