My Mundane Life(3)

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Right after the battle I passed out. The next thing I knew I was back at home, lying in bed. I checked my phone. 5:30am. Much earlier than I normally wake up. I straightened my back and stretched like a starfish, disturbing the blanket on top of me. Then something weird happened. My hand fidgeted. Once, then twice, then thrice, and soon the twitching erupted into spasms. It contracted here and there. Before I knew it I was curled up into a ball around my hand, cradling it with my other. It kept cramping and didn't stop.

It was unbearable, the muscle seemed to be ripping itself apart. I got up before my legs gave out and stumbled forward. My legs started to twitch too. However, they were not nearly as painful as my hand was. It kept going and I started to cry. 'Why, why? Is this my punishment for using the chakra enhancement? I thought Sakura could handle it! It's not my fault, I swear.'

I tried to get up but I collapsed back onto the carpeted floor. 'There are painkillers in the downstairs cabinet, there are painkillers in the downstairs cabinet, there are painkillers in the downstairs cabinet, there are painkillers in the downstairs cabinet, there are painkillers in the downstairs cabinet, there are painkillers in the downstairs cabinet, there are painkillers in the downstairs cab-' I repeated it in my head like a prayer. Slowly, I inched to my door.

I kicked my leg up and grabbed the door handle with my toes. Luckily, the handles were rectangular instead of circular like some of the other doors in the house. I continued on my crawl. 'I'm so glad my Mom isn't awake to see this.' 

I reached the stairs and stopped for a second. I questioned my way down but had no more time as another wave of pain slashed through my fist. I put my feet first, scooting down slowly through the use of my elbows and back. I was about halfway down when I leaned too far over. I fell onto my face and tumbled through the rest of the steps.

A loud, *Crash* echoed through the house. I looked down at myself. I could see my knee. I could see my KNEE. I froze. The skin on my leg was torn open, the patella was outside of my leg. Another bone, the fibula, disconnected and ripped out. "FUCK!" I screamed. I started sobbing, harder than before. 'Why me? Why does this have to happen? What is my Mom going to think? I have to go to school. What about Judo?'

After a while, I calmed down. Besides the pain, there was nothing. 

Sooner or later my Mom came to get ready for work. She saw me and shrieked in horror. She rushed over and crouched down beside me. "Oh my god, oh my god, we have to get you to the hospital and- Can you walk? How did this happen? Why didn't you say anything? You could've called me- Do you want me to call someone? Do you have your will written? Stella just why-"

I moved my head slowly to turn to her. "I need to get to school." 'I wish you would just shut up.' She glared through me. "You are NOT going to school like that. I'm canceling everything! If they try to make you go I'll-" I cut her off again. "Just take me to the hospital." 'Kill me now'

A couple of tears left her eyes and she quickly pulled out her phone and dialed the emergency room. An ambulance came and put me on a stretcher, and I was rushed off to the hospital.

When I got there, I was transferred from the stretcher to a bed and was told to wait until a doctor could make it. Apparently, the hospital was quite flooded with patients. While I waited, they gave me painkillers and I decided to reflect on what had happened up to now. I glanced at my Mom who was beside me. She was holding my hand and whispering occasionally.

'I wish my Dad and Brother were here. Maybe they'd be able to calm her down.' But that won't happen. Mom cut off all contact with them after what happened. I haven't seen them since 3rd grade.

I reflected on my life a bit more. 

'What happened to me? When was I unable to handle something like this? I feel so weak. I wish I was Sakura again. Sakura's strong. Much, much stronger than I am. She won the match, she killed before Sasuke or Naruto, and she's been doing this since she was a child. She is a shinobi, and I'm a nobody. Maybe if I was smarter, stronger, and prettier, I could've fixed everything. Maybe if I had been braver nothing would've happened. Then Dad would be here. Then me and my brother could make up. I should've done something.'

I looked back at my Mom. 'Geeze, can't you be strong just this once instead of crying over everything? It's not like I'm going to die. I'll be fine, so just quit embarrassing me already.'

30 minutes pass and a doctor walks in. She had black hair and red lipstick. She wore blue eyeshadow and held a clipboard. "I'm Dr. Kiara, you're Stella, right?" My Mom picked up her head and looked at Dr. Kiara. She looked between the two of us and nodded at the doctor. 

Dr. Kiara looked at me and smiled. "I'm just going to ask a few questions, and then you'll be taken to the operation room. First, how old are you?" I opened my mouth to speak, and a raspy voice said, "I'm 12." At first, I was shocked at how dry I sounded, but I remembered I hadn't drunk water or anything since yesterday.

Dr.Kiara wrote something down on her clipboard and continued to ask questions. Such as how much pain I was feeling and if I had any prescriptions in the past. I began to drift off to sleep. Dr.Kiara grabbed my shoulder. "Stay with us, you'll be okay." She continued to occupy my mind with pointless questions. I've never liked doctors, they ask too many questions. "Alright, that's it." She ended the conversation and I was hauled off to get treated. Her face seemed really familiar, but I didn't think too much about it.

The mask was put on me, and I started counting down from 100. 'I just have to hope this injury doesn't transfer over to Sakura's body.'



A/n: Okay, so I've been going back and editing a few chapters in order to align it with what direction I want to take this story, so if there are any details you don't remember being in the previous chapters then that's probably why. This may continue to happen in the future, so just know you probably didn't miss anything, I just went back and changed stuff.

If you didn't notice, then don't worry about it, you're either reading this after I've completed it or it was just a minor detail I wanted to change.

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